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/int/ - International (1 reader)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

Denmark pomfritteren Lynge, Hovedstaden  No.3091291 +9 [Reply]

Netherlands the dutch pizza boy Amsterdam, Noord-Holland  No.3091673 


Germany Bernd Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3091839 

Very sad that this board is deda

Spain the spanish bougie Sevilla, Andalucia  No.3091892 +1 

Good, this board sucked.

India Delhi, Delhi  No.3092051 [Reply]

For those looking for the ultimate online casino bangladesh experience, look no further than Gamblingmaster Bangladesh! https://gamblingmaster.live/

United Kingdom the british reptillian Leeds, England  No.3092061 +2 

chennai new job

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Lithuania the lithuanian shemale Vilnius, Vilniaus apskritis  No.3084425 [Reply]

bronnenpill me on free will
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

United States 🚙🚙🚙 New Berlin, Wisconsin  No.3084431 +12 

mcdonalds free wifi

Finland the finnish autistic shoes Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa  No.3092039 

then you are luckier than me, friend

Sweden the swedish incel Malmoe, Skane lan  No.3092044 

Me too.

United States the american 4channer Greenwood Village, Colorado  No.3092057 

3 year old thread on front page

Sweden the swedish glaceon Malmoe, Skane lan  No.3092058 

dead board for dead people

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United States the american kid napper Chicago, Illinois  No.3092024 +2 [Reply]

United Kingdom big gay hewat Arddleen, Wales  No.3092046 

this fella detransitioned and i still dont know what gender to and fro

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Sweden the swedish bearmode Linkoping, Ostergotlands lan  No.3092027 [Reply]

Finland the finnish drumpf Kemi, Lappi  No.3092028 +2 

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me rn irl lmao

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Germany the german niggersachsen Berlin, Berlin  No.3078599 +9 [Reply]

me attire

United States the american unkel Allen, Texas  No.3078602 

where 2 cop?

United Kingdom the british akainu Whiteley, England  No.3078603 +3 

Germany the german kirinorway Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen  No.3078609 

Mc Donald's

Germany the german tranny Berlin, Berlin  No.3078610 

Mama ich will Mcdonald

Germany the german ntgger Berlin, Berlin  No.3092025 

are you a n-word really ?

United States the american bluepilled cuck Greenwood Village, Colorado  No.3092015 [Reply]


Sweden the swedish bing bing wahoo Malmoe, Skane lan  No.3092019 


United States the american fedora atheist Greenwood Village, Colorado  No.3092021 

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United Kingdom the british bug chaser Seacroft, England  No.3092014 [Reply]

come 3chpost @ 3ch.one

France the french haraldúr Perpignan, Occitanie  No.3091995 [Reply]

stuff aint the same without bsr

Sweden the swedish cbronnenite Malmoe, Skane lan  No.3092012 

slow board

Spain Estoy en un hospital psiquiátrico, voy a tardar años en salir de aquí. Amigo de Suave. Sevilla, Andalucia  No.3092003 +1 [Reply]

Querido Suave, estoy en un hospital psiquiátrico porque abusé de las drogas. Se acabó mi carrera de pintora transgénero, ya no pinto más cuadros.

Probablemente estaré fuera en unos cuatro o cinco años, pero me encantaría visitarte algún día. Sólo quería que supieras que estoy bien. Estoy escribiendo este mensaje bajo supervisión de mi psicóloga porque tengo un problema de adicción a las redes sociales.

No puedo usar Discord porque banearon mi cuenta por mi ideas nazis, y porque en el San Juan de Dios de Ciempozuelos donde estoy me han requisado el teléfono. Me han autorizado un teléfono sin Internet para hablar con la familia.

Las drogas son muy peligrosas, drogas nunca más. Algún día te añadiré a Discord (y a Steam) otra vez. Me encantaría que te hicieses una cuenta de Steam para hablar conmigo. Te manda un abrazo de corazón de parte de Juan/Verónica. Este es el PC de la psicóloga, así que no puedo subir imágenes. Estoy en su despacho ahora en plena sesión.

Un abrazo, Suave. Os echo mucho de menos a mis amigos de Internet, ojalá me soltasen este año. Ya no me tientan las drogas.

Besos de amigo (no homo).

Germany Banned! the german blöndal Falkenstein, Sachsen  No.3092002 [Reply]

You are banned! ;_;
You have been banned from all boards for the following reason:

ban evasion

Your ban was filed on Saturday 17 August, 2019 and will not expire.

Your IP address is 2001:67c:2660:425:25::3e3.

If you wish to appeal this ban, log in (or create a new account) at the links above on the navbar, and PM one of the moderators.

Germany the german hiv carrier Hamburg, Hamburg  No.3091973 [Reply]

britta aka

United Kingdom big gay hewat Arddleen, Wales  No.3091997 

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Sweden the swedish milcel Stockholm, Stockholms lan  No.3091958 [Reply]

hi can someone remove all these fucking immigrants?

Asking for a friend

Sweden the swedish faggot gay homo Alingsas, Vastra Gotalands lan  No.3091960 


Sweden the swedish altshiter Goeteborg, Vastra Gotalands lan  No.3091965 


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United States the american steve rambo Bellevue, Washington  No.3091957 [Reply]


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United States Democrat until Jan 21st Center Moriches, New York  No.3085463 [Reply]

Back in the 90's, there used to be 50 military personnel for every one private contractor. Today the ratio is 10 to one. Considering the US is home to over 1.3 million active duty personnel, that means there are somewhere 130,000 armed Americans committing acts of violence in regions around the world at the direction of US corporations, wealthy individuals, and intelligence groups, operating in every continent but Antarctica.
Since 2003, Blackwater has received billions of dollars in contracts from the US state department, the military, and the CIA for work they've done in Iraq and Afghanistan, which has run the gambit from protecting various dignitaries, to securing oil fields.
As we saw with Blackwater's massacre in Baghdad in 2007, it's incredibly difficult to prosecute "PMC"s because the nature of their work is inherently secretive and conducted in other countries with very little oversight. Private military companies are nothing more than a convenient way to pursue violent imperialist goals without the dirtying the hands of the US military. Money that would've been spent on the military is more and more often being diverted to fund private groups of armed thugs and murderers, often veterans of the armed services who have demonstrated their capability for incredible cruelty. This is the future of warfare, a hand's off approach from the official branches of the military, with a heavy investment in more secretive, more violent, and less accountable paramilitary groups. These groups not only enable state violence, but also allow US corporations operating overseas to peruse their own violent forms of suppression of competition and resistance.
7 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Canada furmod Calgary, Alberta  No.3085895 +2 

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United Kingdom the british bateman Rochdale, England  No.3087586 

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where shirley @

United Kingdom garbage!yHewato8KQ Birmingham, England  No.3090307 

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Dice rollRolled d20-1. Result: 4.

Finland the finnish pederast Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3090308 

wanton amputations

United Kingdom big gay hewat Bicester, England  No.3091951 

year old post

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