frat wong Seattle, Washington No.3078669 +5 [Reply]
On December 18, 1997, Farley was found dead by his younger brother, John, in his apartment in the John Hancock Center in Chicago. He was 33 years old.[51] An autopsy revealed that Farley had died of an overdose of cocaine and morphine,[52] a combination called a speedball. The lethal combination caused enormous gas pressure to build up in the intestines, blocked by years of heroin poop, nearly 11lbs coroners estimate[53]. The stinky poop blockage forced noxious gas to blow out Farley’s ears like steam whistles[55]. When Farley blocked his ears the fart steam rushed into his lungs and tasted like fart poop so bad he coughed his eyeballs out of his head[56]. When Farley saw his scary popped out eyes he laughed so hard that it gave him a heart attack, and he died. Upon death the 11lbs of heroin poop slid out onto the floor, roughly the size and shape of a baby. Coroners report claims “it stunk real bad”.
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