I'm back from an okupa Antifa house. Gibraltarian (Galician). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canarias No.3081397 +3 [Reply]
In the middle of a Galician forest.
Seriously considering to abandon Madrid and live in a real literal forest like Varg. Madrid is shit.
I love the North-West.
Tons of interesting people living together. A Dutch and a French. I can speak French, but not Dutch.
First shroom trip on the top of a hill. Fucking epic day. 8'5/10
TL;DR: Burzum forever.
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chubbo pupi rater Sutton, Alaska No.3081405
patrick loved antifa
the german shemale Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen No.3081415 +6
go to kc
the german csgo Berlin, Berlin No.3081429
oh lala!
Gibraltarian (Galician). Almeria, Andalucia No.3081432
>>3081400I have to take the train back tomorrow morning. :(
I wanna travel as much as possible before the next quarantine. A cheap bus to Amsterdam to eat some THC or whatever.
Pika Girl in the Poké World Manchester, England No.3081435
>>3081432drugs are bad, okay?