the american morty Vancouver, Washington No.3090753 [Reply]
>Post on 4Chan /b/ pretty much daily for three years, pretty cozy and fun (better than reddit at least)
>Tranny and n-word porn threads keep increasing in quantity, gross.png but I ignore it.
>I start getting banned out of no where for posting nothing out of the ordinary (it just isn't bbc or the likes), angry.png
>See Frens Chan shilled a crap ton, I ignore it.
>Get banned on 4Chan again, totaln-worddeath.png
>Browse Frens Chan, I'm not sold but I'll give it a try
>Post multiple threads, no bans
>Frens are super nice, mods are active and based
>I decide to stick around, maxcomfy.png
>Livestream movies with frens starts, there is live chat!
>Frens Chan minecraft server! ifoundmyfrens.gif