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/int/ - International (1 reader)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

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Germany the german mammal Luebeck, Schleswig-Holstein  No.3090565 +1 [Reply]

Canada the canadian hetloser Vancouver, British Columbia  No.3090573 

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Germany the german natsoc gfur Luebeck, Schleswig-Holstein  No.3090569 [Reply]

I will reply to every thread from now on until the site becomes active again

Germany the german haraldúr Luebeck, Schleswig-Holstein  No.3090570 +1 

nevermind im too lazy

Denmark pomfritteren Lynge, Hovedstaden  No.3090567 [Reply]

Hitler ontologically aryan cunny hitler cunny child sex aryan sex ontologically #metabolism kill n-word groyper

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Romania the romanian autist dog Bucharest, Bucuresti  No.3090566 +1 [Reply]

mewch is back!
Come and comfypost with us!

Sweden Revival of bronnen.net Chennai(yep, it's really me) Linkoping, Ostergotlands lan  No.3090061 +7 [Reply]

Come on!
8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

United States the american baldcel Southaven, Mississippi  No.3090555 +1 

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me $12k to $500

Germany the german warehouse Gersthofen, Bayern  No.3090554 

Denmark pomfritteren Lynge, Hovedstaden  No.3090560 

Denmark pomfritteren Lynge, Hovedstaden  No.3090561 

ok done

United States the american bougie Southaven, Mississippi  No.3090562 

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United States the american madarchod Bellevue, Washington  No.3090498 [Reply]

Which precedes which? Life or death?

Finland the finnish bearmode Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3090559 

if you do that your c*ck will melt off because ananas is acidic

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Bulgaria the bulgarian milcel Sofia, Sofia (stolitsa)  No.3090474 +1 [Reply]

AN UIntROdUCtIon to ProLApSulATOry ANAtomY

THe pRolAPse Is A SiMPlE ANtICUbOid STRuCtuRE MADe Of MuLTiPLe VegETATIVe mSheS intERWTWined to CreATe A prOfOuNDly GElATinOus StrUCtUIRe cAPABle OF COntAIOnign APprOXimATIely 11 LiteRS Of pISs DurIng THe WINTer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The rpolAPSe iS IRCH in VARious MICroNutRIENTs AND inerALs inCLuDIgn but Not LiMiteD to MeTHylMERCury,,,,,,,,, Mk1488,,,,,,,,, n,, ANd GorT mEtALS SuCh AS leAD AND gorTEr unMETALS SUCh aS ARSenIC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THe PRolAPsE IS CaPaBle OF rAPid REGenRerATIoin FI te VegeTATIVe STruCutRES ANd meShhes ARe DAMAGaed,,,,,,,,,,,, SimPl yTHe PRolAPSe pRETENDS ot be MORe thAN A Simple BundLE OF tuBNEs,,,,,,,, THe PRolAPse CAN bE HARVeSted ANd DriED,,,,,,,,,, AFter WHICh IT must E SMokmeD WithoUTcARe FOr poiSOning FROm tHEse TeRRIbL yGOrt FUmES,,,,,,,,,,,, The gORt PRolAPSe FUmeS ENRICh THe CeRbROspinaL STruCutrES And ThE PRoStATE FLuiDS WITHIn LubrICaTe The AMyLoIDS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

ProlAPse ReGenerATIon,,,,,,,,, FAThER IgOr PRoPoseS THis PheNomeNON TO BE STuDIEd FurTHer,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THe pROlAPSeS REgeNerATe ENDlESSly AND unleSS FUllY DESTROyED WIll GENerATe VASt AMountS oF usABle EneRGY RICh AND METhylMERCuryINFUseD biomASS thAT MAY BE PuT In THE mACerATORS or utILiZEd foR oTHer GOrT PurPosEs.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FATheR Igor PostUlATES thAT we mAY UtiLIZE THis FOr mANy goRt PuirPoSeS WItHIn HTE COmPOuiND thAT Will ENRICh tHE prOCceSs of GRwioUgn THE COck MusHRoOMS AND FFEEDing THE COWIEs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FurTherMore,,,,,,,,,, They mAY BE SMokeD InDEFiNITely,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The CHiLDs pROlAPSe IS not Like AN ADUlTS,,,,,,,,,, RATher IT IS MoRe GelATInOus In nATUre,,,,,,,,, We MusT SeND A COkED up MitnSwEde To gATHer MOre SUBJECtS TO STUdy THiS CLosER,,,,,,,,,,,,,, bghHHAAhA buT hE ENjOYs PROWlIng THe KInDERgARTen WHiLE COkeD ouT on THE FIneST MEth LACED COcAIne,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The bUlgARIAN mAFia hAS beeN genEROus EnOug HT OFFer US THeSE GOrt SubstANCeS in eXchANCe FOr THE MItnSWEde's prEy,,,,,,,,,,,, WE AGrEE To THiS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

fATheR IGoR WHy HAve U CurSeD uS To EXIst WIthIN tHis GORt reALM oF bLood AND boneS THy COWiES COmED thy WILl BE DOne BleSSeD be THy name bleSSeD BE THy shACK bLESSEd bE THy AMyLOIds LeAD us noT iNT OUngoRtneSS but lEAD US iNto ENjoyneSS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The POrlAPSe WATERS WIth ENjOYnESs,,,,,,,,,,, WHen U tRIggeRED ITs GSPot ItSPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Germany the german anónimus Gersthofen, Bayern  No.3090475 +9 

nice meme bro go to mintboard bonechan cringecord and youll meet vastra forulanda he'll love this

Bulgaria the bulgarian bing bing wahoo Sofia, Sofia (stolitsa)  No.3090556 

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u CrAVe theSe TUbes mAN u reaLLy DO,,,,m,,,,,,

United States the american dogfucker Las Vegas, Nevada  No.3090549 [Reply]

How do I turn on dark mode

Germany the german horse Berlin, Berlin  No.3090552 +2 

literally just blow your brains out it's not that hard

United States the american gamergater Las Vegas, Nevada  No.3090550 [Reply]

I just shit my pants (he just shit his pants)

United States the american warehouse Las Vegas, Nevada  No.3090539 [Reply]

/int/ - International (2 readers

Canada the canadian kcbitchboi Beauharnois, Quebec  No.3090547 +2 

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it just me and you, buddy

United States the american chadcel Las Vegas, Nevada  No.3090548 

Me you and Kcroat

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Canada furmod Toronto, Ontario  No.3090542 [Reply]

got my fursona com'd what do you think

Canada furmod Toronto, Ontario  No.3090543 

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Canada the canadian telejerker Beauharnois, Quebec  No.3090546 +1 

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Canada the canadian moralfag Beauharnois, Quebec  No.3090545 +5 [Reply]

prove me wrong

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Germany Got ghosted by girls again, women hate turkish men the german anónimus Hamburg, Hamburg  No.3090491 +1 [Reply]

am good looking, girls are always interested in me until they learn i am Turkish. Then they ghost me immediately.
Just happened again in University cafeteria. A hot german girl sat next to me and started chatting with me.She said where i am really from i said Türkei and she immediately left and sat in someplace else without saying a word.

Germans hate turks like nothing else, turks live here 60 years and haven't commited any terror attack but they love all refugees afghans lebanese kurds etc. I don't understand. is that why they don't respect us , do we have to kill them?

germany has literal traitor russians rallying with russian flags supporting putin that threaten europe with nukes and germans like them more than turks.
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Turkey the turkish magapede Izmit, Kocaeli  No.3090529 

bearmode classique
u should pull the ol rent free for ur reply to this one

United States the american roy orbison Southaven, Mississippi  No.3090531 

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Germany the german pilotboy Hamburg, Hamburg  No.3090533 

had turkish name and made tinder 11 matches in a week

changed name to german 2 matches in a week


Turkey the turkish kirinorway Izmit, Kocaeli  No.3090535 

i had 2 posts, a tv show pilot, 3 haikus and a cinematic universe ready for when u post rent free but u had to go and ruin it all

United States the american stem masterrace Southaven, Mississippi  No.3090544 

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Turkey the turkish rick Izmit, Kocaeli  No.3090540 [Reply]


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United States the american schizo Bellevue, Washington  No.3090483 [Reply]

Hey guys I forgot are we for or against school shootings?

Piteå's cranium yes!HAGERs.nOw Piteå's cranium  No.3090485 +1 

personally? i'm against them, but i totally respect if you have a different opinion

United Kingdom the british drumpf Manchester, England  No.3090514 

100% for

United States the american opfer Las Vegas, Nevada  No.3090537 

Who is "schizo" we?

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