Involodymyr Celenskyy Medford, Oregon No.3090047 +4 [Reply]
50 people used to post here
Now it’s a ghost town
13 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. the canadian bulge noticer Beauharnois, Quebec No.3090173 +5
after ~2018 all around the world, imageboards turned into junkyards. only remnants to socialize (some sort of) on the internet are le happy merchant's zionist skinner boxes that are designed to brainwash 80 iq sheeple. even search engines won't let you to find other sites except it is FAGMAN's and those skinner box sites "choosen ones" designed and DESIGNATED for the sheeple. most of my friends all around the world went to adapt themselves into the system and became wagies. i feel isolated from other people's distinctive and original thoughts, it gets worse day by day.
even fucking bronnen is not letting me post this behind the proxy…
the icelandic ferenc fart Reykjavik, Hofudborgarsvaedi No.3090177 +1
the american akainu Chicago, Illinois No.3090199
Involodymyr Celenskyy Mount Laurel, New Jersey No.3090247
we’re a disgrace
the australian alex jones Macquarie Park, New South Wales No.3090259
>>3090199where is this from