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/meta/ - Metawhining ( readers)


Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

Argentina the argentine roy General Roca, Rio Negro  No.1135 +1 [Reply]

Make me a mod

File: 1541070784645.jpg (88.88 KB, 500x492, horse.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Brazil Lori Goiania, Goias  No.1131 +6 [Reply]

add user recommendations

if you upvoted a chennai post in the last 24 hours bronnen automatically directs you to threads/posts containing tags like germoney pidorson gubermint etc

crank up datamining so it cant be turned off

Dice rollRolled 10d10. Result: 48.

United States my geoloc: richmond, virginia Richmond, Virginia  No.1130 +1 [Reply]

the mysterious south ameri erp threads should be moved to /arch/ when they're done

United States the american magapede Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  No.1127 +8 [Reply]

fuck /int/

Republic of Lithuania random lithuanian poster Kaunas, Kaunas  No.636 +3 [Reply]


Brazil classic putin!D0Ykh4wFqw Brasilia, Distrito Federal  No.1116 +3 [Reply]

petition for modding agent heather

Sweden yes Stockholm, Stockholms lan  No.1117 +5 

bronnen hierarchy: nurse tyrone > piteå > admins > mods > end users

Sweden yes Stockholm, Stockholms lan  No.1114 +4 [Reply]

reblog if you think that next april 1nd we should just unmod everyone and admin sps

United States I Wish I Was In Dixie Raleigh, North Carolina  No.1115 +4 

admin edgemaster and sps (social experiment)

Korea, Republic of the south korean thirster Tsche-mul-p-ho, Incheon-gwangyeoksi  No.1113 +2 [Reply]

United States the american albert einstein Cincinnati, Ohio  No.1111 +2 [Reply]

petition to bring back /chad/

Austria the austrian milcel Ennsdorf, Niederosterreich  No.1007 +1 [Reply]

whats with the anime pin shit

United States Jaan Guidxote Trenton, New Jersey  No.1109 +1 

yo qhy don't you shut the fuck up little man

United States the american einor hugji Mount Laurel, New Jersey  No.1108 +1 [Reply]

give me access to /mod/

United States ryan (massive cuckold spotted) Chicago, Illinois  No.1098 +2 [Reply]

We need unavoidable captchas to prevent spam

United States the american durstig junge (massive cuckold spotted) Southlake, Texas  No.1107 +2 

holy shit this is the best website on the internet right now, all signup requires is username and password

I declare this website 100% kike free

Canada Proxy the canadian hotshot Toronto, Ontario  No.1105 +1 [Reply]

will the 2.0 pm ui be more like that of a thread?

File: 1538511610291.jpeg (123.27 KB, 707x1000, dc3cfe72f7458822a8f183860….jpeg) ImgOps Google

Canada Montreal, Quebec  No.1104 +1 [Reply]

Hellou where are the animes

Germany the german stem masterrace (massive cuckold spotted) Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen  No.1100 +4 [Reply]

unmod roy
unban user "gopnik"

Sweden yes Malmoe, Skane lan  No.1103 +1 

let it be done

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