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/meta/ - Metawhining ( readers)


Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

United States Hotline Miami, Florida  No.145 [Reply]

need two maps, second map that holds locations forever

United States orion Arkansas  No.137 +2 [Reply]

unban oakville

United States orion Arkansas  No.138 

am i doing this right

United States Clayton, North Carolina  No.143 


File: 1489888779060.jpg (94.84 KB, 640x960, on femiism.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Brazil random brazilian poster Santiago, Rio Grande do Sul  No.109 +4 [Reply]

I think we are in agreement when I say criticism towards anime as a medium shouldn't be allowed to take place on /int/ (or any board for that matter)

United Kingdom random british poster London, England  No.118 +1 

anime is shit your gay

United Kingdom random british poster Hatfield, Hertfordshire  No.135 

shut up dweeb

United States Hotline Miami, Florida  No.132 [Reply]

the green text in greentext is a bit too dark in northboard

File: 1490004901578.jpg (49.74 KB, 600x337, dvkIxy6.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Israel Fake Merchant Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv  No.121 +1 [Reply]

Republic of Lithuania Kaunas, Kaunas  No.128 

that guy in the pic?


United Kingdom Anonymous  No.20 [Reply]

youtube embedding takes up precious memory
im sure it was more efficient on cb and ylil where the video frame isn't loaded until you click

United Kingdom Anonymous  No.21 


Croatia random croatian poster Pula, Istarska Zupanija  No.122 [Reply]

meta world peace

Israel Fake Merchant Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv  No.108 [Reply]

??it's done??

United States Huldumaður Miami, Florida  No.117 

why are there so many posters from kc or wherever on here? I don't even know who some of these people are

Germany random german poster Weyhausen, Lower Saxony  No.116 [Reply]


File: 1489686983197.png (274.52 KB, 502x444, IMG_8760.PNG) ImgOps Google

United States eugene Seattle, Washington  No.61 +1 [Reply]


I need to protect women from situations like this
there's so many scumbag men out there exploiting and abusing women
I need to be there to be her shield

United States eugene Seattle, Washington  No.62 

whoopsies wrong board silly me teehee

Australia random australian poster Nunawading, Victoria  No.112 [Reply]

What is a Bronnen

United Kingdom AsianWomenWorshipper Reading, Reading  No.113 

>he doesnt know what bronnen means

File: 1489858246821.png (33.36 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0347.PNG) ImgOps Google

United Kingdom random british poster Camden, Camden  No.100 [Reply]

what is this?__?

Israel Fake Merchant Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv  No.101 

what did you do to get it?

United Kingdom random british poster  No.106 

posted as usual from this ip
on iPhone
but it works now?_?

Israel Fake Merchant Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv  No.107 

yeah i fixed it

look in this thread for info

Sweden random swedish poster Haegersten, Stockholm  No.74 +3 [Reply]

remove gay ass toucans
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

Germany secret council corners  No.85 

upvote 4 countryvaporeons

United States euchene Seattle, Washington  No.86 +1 

yeah could we actually have geopenises or countryscrotums? I feel like toucans aren't immature enough

Germany random german poster Weyhausen, Lower Saxony  No.87 


Israel Fake Merchant Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv  No.97 


Sweden random swedish poster Haegersten, Stockholm  No.105 

i would unironically die for this administration

Germany random german poster Munich, Bavaria  No.102 [Reply]


Germany random german poster Munich, Bavaria  No.103 

hmm, it dodnt work in int ?

Germany random german poster Munich, Bavaria  No.104 

you get

Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x82' for column 'body' at row 1

in int

United States certified schizo Newburyport, Massachusetts  No.98 [Reply]

Why don't my threads go to the top of the page Jew

Israel Fake Merchant Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv  No.99 

which threads?

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