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/meta/ - Metawhining (1 reader)


Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

United States oekaki Brooklyn, New York  No.24 [Reply]

change default oekaki size to something like 600x200
for easy banner making

Israel Fake Merchant Jerusalem, Jerusalem  No.25 +1 

File: 1489558609199.png (6.57 KB, 600x200, Oekaki.png) ImgOps Google


United States Brooklyn, New York  No.27 +1 


File: 1489547956381-0.png (274.52 KB, 502x444, IMG_8760.PNG) ImgOps Google

File: 1489547956381-1.jpg (110.23 KB, 720x960, IMG_8841.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

United States eug and eugibility  No.23 +2 [Reply]

I need to be dispatched from this earthly coil by a SUPERIOR woman (fucking redundant)
I need to surrender my filthy insignificant inferior male body to her MAJESTY to be used as a punching bag and fleshtarget for the pistol range
I am so fucking disgustingly inferior to ALL women I just NEED to be DESTROYED by a woman, not mercy-killed but savagely yet righteously EXECUTED for my heinous unforgivable societally-corrupting crime of being an inferior 179cm/5'10.5" MANLET

File: 1489546619886.mp4 (277.43 KB, 480x360, ''hissyfit''.mp4) ImgOps Google

Denmark pomfritteren  No.22 [Reply]

mod me

United States novelty boards metawää  No.13 +1 [Reply]


United States fuquay  No.15 +2 

just need /vir/ tbh

France Metz, Moselle  No.9 +1 [Reply]


United Kingdom Anonymous  No.8 +1 [Reply]

make it remember my setting for auto refreshing threads please

United Kingdom Anonymous  No.3 +1 [Reply]

Upvote button is nearly impossible to see on dark theme.

United Kingdom Anonymous  No.5 +2 

In fact it doesn't appear to exist at all/is unusable

United Kingdom Anonymous  No.7 +2 

yeah it broken for me too
broken unicode box tier

Netherlands Anonymous  No.6 +2 [Reply]


Finland it sick  No.4 +2 [Reply]

can't change out of v8chan theme without blocking elements

ricechan doesn't have toucans

Finland ghettolord  No.2 +3 [Reply]

mod AWW

Ireland mod ben  No.1 +2 [Reply]

mod ben

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