the american spook San Jose, California No.6922 +4
the british niggersachsen Oxford, England No.6923 +2
pitea mask
the american masturbati San Jose, California No.6925 +6
Buff Boobular Wolf Woman Center Moriches, New York No.6926 +1
the british spscarter Oxford, England No.6929
the american tyson mike San Jose, California No.6938 +1
Buff Boobular Wolf Woman Center Moriches, New York No.6939
Guido you lecherous whore did you fix up that binder yet
>>6929The brown people in it make up for the memery surrounding its reputation but I would say that for all manga
the american women worshipper Denver, Colorado No.6950 +1
the american inflation fetishist Denver, Colorado No.6951 +1
the american lund swede Denver, Colorado No.6952 +1
piano brazil Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul No.6954
Part 3 > Part 4 > Part 6 > Part 1 > Part 5/2/7, by the way
the american mod Denver, Colorado No.6955 +1
the british soya dad Oxford, England No.6956
>>6954i will remember to reply to this when i can post spoilers freely
the british tranny lover (massive cuckold spotted) Oxford, England No.6958
i like 7 2 3 and 4 in roughly that order
6 i just dont remember for some reason
5 and 1 are bad and 5 might even be worse than 1
but i cant have serious cartoon discussion until i dont have to worry about spoilers like i said
the american tyson mike Denver, Colorado No.6959
>>6958just use spoilers i wont look
Pizza Fire Crisis Actor Center Moriches, New York No.6960 +2
>>6958I tell the Guido the entire plot and details of something and
then he decides to watch it
the portuguese spreadsheeter Lisbon, Lisboa No.6962 +1
the american leafcuck Denver, Colorado No.6963
>>6960tbf I wasn't listening
Buff Boobular Wolf Woman Center Moriches, New York No.6964
the american witzig junge Denver, Colorado No.6967 +1
the american bug chaser (massive cuckold spotted) Denver, Colorado No.6968 +1
will you go out with me
the american hussy Denver, Colorado No.6969 +4
the portuguese gamergater Lisbon, Lisboa No.6970
the american magapede Denver, Colorado No.6971 +1
the american junge Denver, Colorado No.6972 +1
the american chino (massive cuckold spotted) Denver, Colorado No.6974 +2
it's me
the american ostrobothnia Denver, Colorado No.6977 +4
chad this manlet just breathed in my direction
the portuguese hlbk Lisbon, Lisboa No.6978 +2
piano brazil Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul No.6980 +1
the american moralfag Denver, Colorado No.6981 +1
the american niggersachsen Denver, Colorado No.6982 +2
definitely me
the american pizza boy Denver, Colorado No.6984 +1
the american women worshipper Denver, Colorado No.6985 +1
the american kcirclejerker Denver, Colorado No.6986 +1
fully-edified eric super autist final form
the american kcbitchboi Denver, Colorado No.6987 +1
the american kcirclejerker Denver, Colorado No.6988
i don't really want to continue but part 3 is next and that's eric's favorite. part 7 is daunas's favorite.
the british cartoon frog Oxford, England No.6989 +2
>>6988massive cuckold spotted
the american gaymer Denver, Colorado No.6991 +1
After conferring with my counsel I have decided to switch from the manga to the anime for part 3
the portuguese pederast Lisbon, Lisboa No.6992
>>6988>>6991bro why you do this
the american beefer Denver, Colorado No.6993
the american glaceon (massive cuckold spotted) Denver, Colorado No.6995 +1
I read the first 3 chapters of part 3 very interesting
i think i will watch but also flip through the manga afterwards to look for good pics
the portuguese staffas sergeant Lisbon, Lisboa No.6996
>>6993why not read first and anime later
the american lolicon Denver, Colorado No.6999
>>6996have you read/watched this series?_?
the portuguese kcirclejerker Lisbon, Lisboa No.7000
>>6999yes ive read it all
and only watch highlights or specific fights i want to see on youtube
the american horsecocker Denver, Colorado No.7018 +2
me talent
the american kirinorway Denver, Colorado No.7034 +2
the american beancuck Denver, Colorado No.7035 +2
based shonen decorum
the american alcoloser Denver, Colorado No.7036 +2
the american lolcow Denver, Colorado No.7037 +2
the american funny cat Denver, Colorado No.7038 +2
the american wizard Denver, Colorado No.7039 +2
just like school
the american piteå Denver, Colorado No.7040 +2
me approach with confidence, swagger, and sense of humor not taking anything seriously just being in the moment
the american rex's owner Denver, Colorado No.7041 +1
creepy bastard
the american tribute Denver, Colorado No.7042 +2
the american african american Denver, Colorado No.7043 +2
the american bearmode Denver, Colorado No.7044 +2
me again
the american livebunkerer Denver, Colorado No.7045 +2
the american cohen Denver, Colorado No.7046 +2
the american moralfag Denver, Colorado No.7047 +1
the american gaymer Denver, Colorado No.7048 +2
rip shirley you really were a creepy bastard. i'll be dead soon too just sit tight
the american house burner Denver, Colorado No.7049 +2
der klassiker
the american milcel Denver, Colorado No.7050 +2
the american never haver Denver, Colorado No.7052 +2
the american hussy Denver, Colorado No.7053 +2
the american ntgger Denver, Colorado No.7054 +1
I've just seen a man feed a vampire supergenius baby his own shit as revenge
the american bug chaser Denver, Colorado No.7055 +3
the american aids boy Denver, Colorado No.7056 +2
Daunas piano brazil Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul No.7058
The range limitations of Star Platinum coupled with its lack of special abilities at the beginning make it harder for Jotaro to fight people who either ambush him or engage him indirectly – which is, unfortunately for him, nearly every single assassin sent by Dio after his party. Both Polnareff's and Avdol's stands are more lethal and resourceful. Hierophant and The Fool have more utility and versatility. Only Joseph's is worse, let's be honest.
Although the concept of brawler was saturated before Araki could even make his debut as a mangaka, Jotaro just doesn't get the chance to ORA ORA people all that often and, in my opinion, that makes him interesting as a protagonist.
the italian anus (massive cuckold spotted) Torino, Piemonte No.7059
part 2 has the best protags hands down
i love joseph's banterish lighthearted but manly bromance with the cyborg nazi and caesar plus his formerly unexplained time predicting power is a neat maybe unintentional way to tie him between the hamon era and the stand era
only complaint about the part is that kars being the main antag is not as bright as a villain as his two pals but other than that its a short enjoyable adventure filled with fun characters
part 7 shows best araki's maturity as a writer by fully utilizing the implications of the time reset and creating his richest and most intense story that perfectly stands on its own for people not familiar with jojo but also creates many parallels and references that help the experience for long time fans
fuck part 8 its so boring
piano brazil Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul No.7060
>>7059You are trying too hard just hate Joseph like the rest of us do (it won't rob you of your "individuality")
the italian african american Torino, Piemonte No.7061 +2
>>7060Ok piano brazil now i hate joseph like the rest of you (just you)
piano brazil Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul No.7062
the portuguese gamergater Lisbon, Lisboa No.7123 +2
the turkish roy Istanbul, Istanbul No.7127
i tried to read 6 like 3 times but got bored