Guidenese Calcio (massive cuckold spotted) Trenton, New Jersey No.2638 +2 [Reply]
So Mikichu returned to work today. I am not sure what to make of him. He sits in his chair and draws his triadic pyramids out of condiment packets, harmless, I assume. Yet, I feel like he knows he's different. He knows that the world rushing in front of him is not his own. Surrounded by the "brightest" slots in Long Island, whatever that means, he sits in a customer's chair and draws. 23 years old. I'm not sure he even graduated high school. In front of him backlogs of Tezuka, Miura, Otomo, and Nagashima swirl. Does he have the capacity to understand these works? Whether he can or not, I am not sure, but their is something in his eyes that realizes that there is a level of understanding and thought that he is unable to partake in. As he slumps lower and lower in his chair with each girl he eyes reading or holding a dick, he falls into himself- into the half-eaten food and used napkins on the table in front of him (coffee please ramon?). He seems intelligent enough to understand that he does not understand, and that is the hardest part of all.
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Venus in Furs Center Moriches, New York No.2656
and read this >>>/int/2075839
the british gaymer Oxford, England No.2660
>>2639future trunks was so stupid
as in the plot device was stupid
Guidenese Calcio Trenton, New Jersey No.2664
Mr. Football 'eritage Trenton, New Jersey No.5542
good pic
Hector Reyes Center Moriches, New York No.5556
>>2660I have no authority to comment on this post