the lithuanian hussy Kaunas, Kauno apskritis No.5245 [Reply]
i have never seen avatar
not even a youtube vid of it
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the american orbimod Richmond, Virginia No.5263
i have seen it multiple times and i am on episode 13 of my current rewatch
I keep thinking about this thread Hector Reyes (massive cuckold spotted) Center Moriches, New York No.5589
The more I think about it and looking back
Man it's the opposite of Naruto
From the clothing to the storyline and some backstories to even how they treat the concept of chakras, they're both too different
Naruto is so fucking faggy man the clothing is so gay man Naruto the underdog is related to gods and almost every hokage what a stupid bitch
Aang is just some lowly monk with random peasants as friends traveling in a world where people walk around in tattered clothes barefoot
The biggest shticker mckicker is that he's a reincarnation of a guy who was buds with the guy who started a genocidal war and that serves a purpose
Oh man
I need to rewatch early Naruto
Fuck Naruto
I'm gonna watch Naruto
I can't read
This post was ghost written
Osama's Fifth Wife Center Moriches, New York No.5680
(Don't watch it, I don't want other people's hands on it)
the american spook Philadelphia, Pennsylvania No.5681
Osama's Fifth Wife (massive cuckold spotted) Center Moriches, New York No.5682
>>5681A few months ago I went through that site on my shift and opened up dozens of those things and I haven't read a single one yet
Well I read one
It was okay
I have not read those uncomfortably close to rape ones which is pretty much all of it
You shouldn't read this one either