Best regards - Jonne!T.BrJ.mqrQ New York City, New York No.863 +2
block all posting and just make the last 24 hours replay forever
Rolled you. Result: False.
Best regards - Jonne!T.BrJ.mqrQ New York City, New York No.864 +2
make roy's browsing experience a simulated k-hole
Rolled you. Result: False.
Best regards - Jonne!T.BrJ.mqrQ New York City, New York No.865 +3
make a /vet/ board for covina
Rolled you. Result: False.
Best regards - Jonne!T.BrJ.mqrQ New York City, New York No.866 +4
hide all posts for kchennai and redirect them to his inbox
Rolled you. Result: False.
Best regards - Jonne!T.BrJ.mqrQ (massive cuckold spotted) New York City, New York No.867 +4
make a special one-on-one hour on /int/ where we can each only communicate with one other poster
the british hotshot No.869 +3
darkness board where no names or locations are shown
my best guess at what that board would resemble is this :
im roy and i love horsecocks
im x poster and im gay
ect ect
Marshall Appleheight Kenai, Alaska No.872
Marshall Appleheight Kenai, Alaska No.873 +1