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/meta/ - Metawhining ( readers)


Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

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United States please make /sp/ random american poster San Francisco, California  No.520 +7 

Endchan is fucking up and this place looks deranged enough to contain us

United States random american poster Kansas City, Missouri  No.522 +1 

File: 1504549449288.jpg (35.12 KB, 387x458, just-p.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

let's do some do some light stretching then run a few laps

Canada random canadian poster Toronto, Ontario  No.524 +1 

yes i need upvotes

Canada random canadian poster Coquitlam, British Columbia  No.525 +1 

based leaf posters REVEAL YOURSELVES

United States random american poster Scottsdale, Arizona  No.526 +1 

5/5 here

United States random american poster Lynbrook, New York  No.527 +2 


But how can I live as my other personaes if my location is known ?

United States random american poster Kansas City, Missouri  No.528 +2 

File: 1504549755239.png (9.66 KB, 300x300, huggs.png) ImgOps Google

going to have to buy an ohio vpn so I can falseflag as buckeye

Netherlands random dutch poster  No.529 


Netherlands random dutch poster Amsterdam, North Holland  No.530 +1 

Hello friends

United States random american poster Kansas City, Missouri  No.531 

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yours is the only post it won't let me upvote

United States random american poster Kansas City, Missouri  No.532 

File: 1504549992382.png (11.17 KB, 52x75, usure.png) ImgOps Google

United States Lynbrook, New York  No.533 +2 

*gibs kissey*
*looks at you suggestively*
*pulls down xhir panties just above xhir shenix*
want some apples and water baeeeeee ??

United States random american poster Washington  No.534 +1 

someone is going to archive all of this and it might be me

United States random american poster St Louis, Missouri  No.535 +1 

methheads in the house

United States random american poster Kansas City, Missouri  No.536 

w-wow, dotz, you really must feel safe here, that's great
#safespace #destroythegenderbinary

United States random american poster Kansas City, Missouri  No.537 

you need a teener? Got some good shit.

United States random american poster Chicago, Illinois  No.538 +2 

Hey, just going to lay it on the line. Is this a kid friendly website? If not then I will have to ask my posters to find another /sp/ bunker.

United States random american poster The Bronx, New York  No.539 

There are too many of us

United States Lynbrook, New York  No.540 +2 

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United States random american poster St Louis, Missouri  No.541 +1 

yeah yeah sure man sounds good where you wanna do this?

Canada random canadian poster Toronto, Ontario  No.542 


India random indian poster  No.543 +4 

hi budys

Netherlands random dutch poster Amsterdam, North Holland  No.544 

maybe this really would work

United States random american poster Chicago, Illinois  No.545 

pajeet in da house

it will be annoying as fuck after the first day

Canada random canadian poster Coquitlam, British Columbia  No.546 

Nah, almost all these posts are mine. Including this one >>545

United States random american poster Washington  No.547 

i lik criket

United States random american poster Kansas City, Missouri  No.548 

હે મિત્ર

Netherlands Amsterdam, North Holland  No.549 

just hideloc

United States Lynbrook, New York  No.550 

incorrect, you are merely an alternate identity i created

United States random american poster Cleveland, Ohio  No.551 +1 

>mcq you fuckers know where I live now

United States Scottsdale, Arizona  No.552 

stupid to have to type that in every time

United States Lynbrook, New York  No.553 

mine stays in

Canada random canadian poster Coquitlam, British Columbia  No.554 

File: 1504550823169.gif (840.2 KB, 226x214, 1504224615321.gif) ImgOps Google

this place is fucking gay and its time for baseball

United States Scottsdale, Arizona  No.555 

I hate this place
it might make an ok alternate alternate alternate bunker

United States random american poster Kansas City, Missouri  No.556 

>implying >we didn't already have a road trip rape party in the works for the injuns poster

United States Lynbrook, New York  No.557 +1 

looks like endchan is fucked though rn mate
i just want to post about baseball and ditz's xhirl parts

United States random american poster Kansas City, Missouri  No.558 

>ditz's xhirl parts
did you get xir consent first?

United States random american poster Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  No.559 

all of these posts are just my personas

United States Lynbrook, New York  No.560 +1 

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nah, consent is for pussies
when u are an alpha chad like me, you actions are the consent

United States random american poster Seattle, Washington  No.561 +1 

endchan is back

United States random american poster San Antonio, Texas  No.562 +3 

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United States random american poster Horn Lake, Mississippi  No.563 

our /int/ board is basically /b/ with flags

you can make your /sp/-related threads there

some of us are sports fans

United States wack New Berlin, Wisconsin  No.564 +2 

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United States random american poster Kansas City, Missouri  No.565 

ii lik smothcoon

United States random american poster New York, New York  No.568 

we wont post on /b/
we would post on a /sp/ board
this place could be a good bunker chan

make it happen

United States Horn Lake, Mississippi  No.569 

you misunderstand

any topics are acceptable on our /int/ board

United States random american poster New York, New York  No.570 

/sp/ will never never NEVER post on /int/ unless we are there to bully /int/

If Bronnen is truly a "network" there would be an /sp/

United States Horn Lake, Mississippi  No.571 

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have you not noticed that we literally don't have any boards aside from /int/ and /meta/?

United States random american poster New York, New York  No.572 

make the board
/sp/ and /int/ is all you really need anyways

United States Horn Lake, Mississippi  No.573 

File: 1504587692897.png (126.39 KB, 257x384, bye.png) ImgOps Google

>/int/ is all you really need anyways

bye now

United States random american poster New York, New York  No.574 +5 

listen here fucko /sp/ will exist on bronnen and you will have no say in the matter
all that has to be done is an official bronnen/sp/ board that will be used for all proper /sp/artan upvoting and geolocation purposes

now smash this fuckin like button you nerd

United States Horn Lake, Mississippi  No.575 +1 

you're welcome to make your faggy sportball threads on /int/

but we're not going to cater to you retards just because you say so

ask how that worked out for the freech retards

United States random american poster New York, New York  No.576 

we bombed the teenbro retards into oblivion
they have been routinely dealt with by /sp/

your /int/ is just another version of that

United States random american poster Horn Lake, Mississippi  No.577 

we'll see about that

United States random american poster Streamwood, Illinois  No.578 

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United States random american poster Washington  No.579 +1 


United States Im on my refurbished phone right no Herndon, Virginia  No.581 


>your /int/ is just another version of that
u sure bro

United States random american poster San Francisco, California  No.582 +1 

Hes just being retarded man. /sp/ doesn't mean your board or site any harm. You guys seem alright honestly.

t. /sp/

Japan ANUSOID Kumamoto, Kumamoto  No.583 

Israel Mod

make this happen

Republic of Lithuania random lithuanian poster Kaunas, Kaunas  No.585 +2 

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Iceland zinger phone Reykjavik, Capital Region  No.586 


Israel Fake Merchant Bat Yam, Tel Aviv  No.587 +1 

i remember you guys

might actually do this

Belarus Borisov, Minsk  No.588 

leaf mentioned

Belarus Borisov, Minsk  No.589 +2 

since when mr. horsecock wrangler is in charge here?

Israel Fake Merchant Bat Yam, Tel Aviv  No.594 +1 

Sweden random swedish poster Haegersten, Stockholm  No.595 

moot add /pol/

United States random american poster  No.615 +1 

wew thanks!

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