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/meta/ - Metawhining ( readers)


Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

Canada random ass canadian Beaverton, Ontario  No.30 +2 

get rid of auto update

United States random american poster Westminster, Maryland  No.73 +1 

Shut the fuck up

Canada random canadian poster Pefferlaw, Ontario  No.75 

this too

United Kingdom random british poster Hatfield, Hertfordshire  No.127 

just disable it retard

Canada random canadian poster Pefferlaw, Ontario  No.131 +1 


United States Hotline Miami, Florida  No.146 

imagine the bible ends up being true and we are judged by god, and he is reflecting our time spent in this thread

oh man, that would sure be awkward

Israel Fake Merchant Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv  No.147 +1 

i made a cookie that remembers your settings

if you disable the auto update once it will remember your choice forever (on that browser/machine)

Canada random canadian poster Pefferlaw, Ontario  No.166 


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