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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

File: 1672624381739.mp4 (31.18 MB, 576x1024, readyourbible.mp4) ImgOps Google

Romania Stop worshipping the liars on your pulpits the romanian horsecocker Bucharest, Bucuresti  No.3091490 

The Christian Church has went apostate and full of liars teaching against God's gospel. Great tribulation is about to come soon. Read that Bible now. Go on the "AKA Watchmen Wake Up" youtube to quickly learn this book before America gets wiped off the map

United States the american tranny Overland Park, Kansas  No.3091518 

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Look outside your window and think about this for one second.

-Faggots and pedophiles are running your schools teaching your kids to identify as a kitty cat.
-Middle school girls are throwing their pussy for every dude they happen to meet on Discord, Valorant, and Omegle. Your days of finding a qt virgin wife trad life and starting a family is over
-Young men are sitting at home playing video games all day yelling at randoms on the internet, playing video games, and watching porn all day.
-Women are in your military
-The globalhomo is rising up and injecting that snake bite into your arm and preparing to slaughter the world population as you're reading this post.
-No one cares for each other. Friends and family ghost you over a dollar, and everyone is in their own little world competing with each other over facebook and instagram likes, tiktok followers, and job offers.
-LGBTQIAMAPS, abortions, suicide, depression, drugs, bullying, divorce, remember when everyone used to get their hooters tooted over someone saying "fuck" on a tv?

There is a biblical answer for these problems, which a "christian" nation should have had the answers to already, but no one seems to care because the football, anime, call of duty, and tiktok is all the normies ever care about. Romans 1:22-27 and Leviticus 26 for the curious.

For the last remaining people that actually see the world for the huge cesspool of shit it actually is here, and want to make a meaningful difference, lets go back to the "trad" life, and not like this community makes it out to be with that soyjak/bearded meme, and open that Bible, because alot of people are going to die very soon, sent by God in a punishment coming near you.

Because those of you likely already know that arguing with liberals on the internet didn't make a difference about your life being shit right now.

Heres some pointers for the anons who never touched a Bible before:

Isaiah chapter 28-35 talking about the destruction of America

Proof that Ephraim is the United States of America
Genesis 48:19 (Ephraim will be a multitude of nations, and be stronger than his brother)
Deuteronomy 33:17 (Ephraim will be the most powerful nation, melting pot of diverse races in the last days)

How to actually be saved, and not according to the lying Christian Church who preach a false hippie Jesus on the pulpit right now:

1 John
Exodus 20

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