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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

File: 1645445374999.jpg (180.47 KB, 890x613, dddf7f572feae83f5dbde1dd9a….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Spain the spanish burger flipper Logrono, La Rioja  No.3089966 

Me on the right

United Kingdom the british vaginigger Bangor, Northern Ireland  No.3089969 +2 

Me on the left

Spain the spanish bing bing wahoo Oviedo, Asturias, Principado de  No.3089976 

where u @

United Kingdom the british paintknight Bangor, Northern Ireland  No.3089993 +1 

Bangor, Northern Ireland

Germany the german horse rapist Gersthofen, Bayern  No.3090010 +2 

the bronnen dilemma

Spain the spanish meat toilet Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de  No.3090029 

3rd option: big dick but norwood

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