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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

United States the american christcuck Slidell, Louisiana  No.3089648 

I swear I must have high estrogen levels if I'm seeking affection from enemies

I really need to get that czeched out

United States the american rex Friend, Nebraska  No.3089650 

grant is that you

United States the american hetnigger Slidell, Louisiana  No.3089651 

it is I, william grant..

Iceland the icelandic women worshipper Reykjavik, Hofudborgarsvaedi  No.3089655 


United States the american cam fapper Slidell, Louisiana  No.3089656 

This is not funny, xtian..

United States the american haraldúr Friend, Nebraska  No.3089670 

United States the american pilotboy Slidell, Louisiana  No.3089677 


United States the american pizza boy Southaven, Mississippi  No.3089679 +5 

you are a faggot and you need to go back to mintboard

Iceland the icelandic gamergater Reykjavik, Hofudborgarsvaedi  No.3089684 


Albania the albanian 8channer Tirana, Tirane  No.3089699 +1 

Zinger? Wow! That's my favourite Icelander.

Albania the albanian pmf Tirana, Tirane  No.3089700 +5 

File: 1643599499239.png (744.35 KB, 800x600, 1612895034495.png) ImgOps Google

Poland ca$hoverride Warsaw, Mazowieckie  No.3089702 +2 

Jesus Christ.

United States the american inflation fetishist Slidell, Louisiana  No.3089703 

hello roy, long time no see

Sweden vastra Stockholm, Stockholms lan  No.3089704 +1 


Armenia the armenian horsefucker Ashtarak, Aragacotn  No.3089705 

no, Solomon Cohen

United States the american tom preston Southaven, Mississippi  No.3089706 +1 

face blindness is a symptom of autism

Albania the albanian unkel Tirana, Tirane  No.3089713 +1 

you're saying that that's not you in the picture?

United States the american tribute Columbus, Mississippi  No.3089714 +1 

that is what i am saying

Albania the albanian junge Tirana, Tirane  No.3089717 +2 

you are saying that you don't look like a crusty fatass with a double digit iq?
k then

United States the american telejerker Columbus, Mississippi  No.3089718 +2 

Netherlands the dutch krautchanner Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland  No.3089719 +1 

then why do you not have a girlfriend?

United States the american stablemaster Slidell, Louisiana  No.3089721 

you best be careful, EM, or you may find yourself in a coalition war with me and roy..

keep on testing the waters

United States the american cuck Slidell, Louisiana  No.3089722 

you might just BE the bitch in the end!

United States the american pepe garrison Southaven, Mississippi  No.3089723 +1 

i'm incel

United States the american gwen Southaven, Mississippi  No.3089724 +1 

File: 1643674965076.gif (3.7 MB, 304x544, cringe post dude.gif) ImgOps Google

nah man you got this
i'ma head out

United States the american witzig junge Slidell, Louisiana  No.3089725 

roy wait


this isn't over

Netherlands the dutch pepe garrison Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland  No.3089726 +1 

omg u are such a cool guy roy i bet ur really famous on certain parts of the internet haha cool

United States the american rick Southaven, Mississippi  No.3089727 +1 

yeah dude there are a lot of people who are obsessed with me even though i don't want anything to do with them

Netherlands the dutch spook Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland  No.3089728 +2 

why are you fearful?

United States the american spook Southaven, Mississippi  No.3089729 +2 

it's past your bed time, lil boy

United States the american only 96 Slidell, Louisiana  No.3089730 +1 

you heard the minimum wage pizza man, it's past your bedtime

Netherlands the dutch faggot gay homo Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland  No.3089740 +8 

respect for turning your hobby into your job, minimum wage pizza man

Sweden vastra Stockholm, Stockholms lan  No.3089747 +2 

what can i say? you're an amusing guy.

United States the american ostrobothnia Southaven, Mississippi  No.3089751 +2 

glad i can offer you some small comfort while you slowly die alone, you miserable little man

Netherlands the dutch cartoon frog Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland  No.3089752 

meet me in gainesville fl in april-may

United States the american akainu Southaven, Mississippi  No.3089754 

that's much our closer to our mutual friend, michael

United States the american janitor Slidell, Louisiana  No.3089769 

can I come too

Netherlands the dutch elagabalus Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland  No.3089775 +1 

sure, if you wear a dress and serve the food and drinks

United States the american schizo Slidell, Louisiana  No.3089776 

uh, no thanks then

Netherlands the dutch bsr Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland  No.3089777 +1 

ok your loss

United States the american wizard Friend, Nebraska  No.3089829 


United States the american orbi Friend, Nebraska  No.3089830 

how is that nintendo switch lite treating you

United States the american beefer Columbus, Mississippi  No.3089833 

it's great, friend, thanks for asking :)

United States the american newfag Friend, Nebraska  No.3089836 

that's nice

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