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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

Germany the german drumpf Luebeck, Schleswig-Holstein  No.3089292 

stop posting on cringecord you fucks

United States the american erp chatlogs Southaven, Mississippi  No.3089296 

no i don't think i will

Germany the german junge Luebeck, Schleswig-Holstein  No.3089297 

nah you can stay in the copebox

United States the american pmf Southaven, Mississippi  No.3089301 

i will

Canada the canadian thirster Hamilton, Ontario  No.3089305 +1 

ur teeth are the color of sewage

United Kingdom the british norgebosniak Arddleen, Wales  No.3089310 

low key leaving cringecord did wonders for my mental health tho

United States the american spook Homewood, Illinois  No.3089311 +1 

yet bearmodes cringecord is just fine

United Kingdom the british pizza boy Arddleen, Wales  No.3089312 

File: 1639671823733.mp4 (462.9 KB, 640x640, video0_2.mp4) ImgOps Google

Piteå's cranium the schizophrenic tree hugger Piteå's cranium  No.3089333 

I got banned from bronnen cringecord because it’s ran by schizos.

Finland the finnish summerfag Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3089338 +1 

no i don't think i will

Iceland the icelandic funny cat Reykjavik, Hofudborgarsvaedi  No.3089366 

United States the american pleb Goldfield, Nevada  No.3089367 


United Kingdom garbage!yHewato8KQ Arddleen, Wales  No.3089368 

Dice rollRolled d20-1. Result: 7.

Iceland the icelandic bougie Reykjavik, Hofudborgarsvaedi  No.3089383 

I miss pokemon sessions with you and coats

Netherlands the dutch cuckservative Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland  No.3089386 

i don't

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