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Bulgaria the bulgarian hlbk Sofia, Sofia (stolitsa)  No.3088212 +2 

WE muST ConSIder THe BoNulATIon THEoREMS in AS mANY ANGleS AS POSsIBle aND ThinK ABOut IT in AN UntUbed fASHion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

FirsTLy,, THE ONluy rEASonf ATHEr IGor DECidED tO BrICk the MInt OUT of THe LitTLe GYpSY FUCkerS IS becUASE THey hAPPEneD TO EnteR the COwieS COmPOund unINvitED @ the dEAAD OF NIGht ANd They WErE InteRNALly COokeD For 3 JHoURs ON THe GORt ELEtRIUc Fence AS FATher IGor wAS PrepARIng DInnER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SUDDenLy he heARD RusTLIng IN The FielDS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THe GypSY wAS prepARED to STeAL AND pIllAGE WIthOut PErMiSSIon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AT FirST FAthER IGor ASSumED ThE GYpSY wouLD be BRutALLy FUCking NECrIOSkullFUCked,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HowEVeR THe GYPsY wAS sTill ALIve NAD fATHer IGor CONCeIVEd OF AN EVEn GORteR PlAn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FaTher IGOr DId Not mEAN tO pRY thE GypSy'S tENder FLeSh OpeN (bUT He DID ghAHA) WHEn He wAS PrPeARing THE GYpSY foR ConSumpTIon (FATher Igor Must EAT tOO,,)),,,, FrOm ThiS wE CAN dEDUCe SeVerAL cLuEs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

1) BonEs WIll rAPE Your FUCking CHiLDRen,,,,,,,,,,,
2) FATher IGor HungERS for THe FLeSH OF eRRANt GypSiEs,,,,,,,,,,,m,,,,
3) THE DuSTIeS InhALATion IS inEVItABle,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m,,,,,,,,

By TreSSpASSing AT A Time WHeN fATHer IGor IS WitHIn THE DEPThs of A DEEp SOmnulAR StuPOR,,,,,,,,,, THeY DId Not THink fATHer IGor wAS hOme TO IntERcePT THeIR dIsGuSTIng FUCkinG COrpSes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THeY eXPecTED to AVoid nECrOSkulflUCking AND CANnibALism But Were INsteAD mACerATED INto A thIN pASTe AND COnSUmed By fAthEr Igor AND the coWIES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THey DisgusTIng FUckign GypSIeS did Not EXPEct SUch A Just ANd RIGhtEOus ENd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

EveN in The PreSeNce OF fATHer IGor tHE gyPSy DID not WIllIngLY EntER the cOWIes DUngEOn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But fATheR Igor DOeS Not ASK OR pleAD hEI MposES His WIll WIThout MERCy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

WHen beGgIng pATHEtICally,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fAThER IgoR lAUGheED ANd ENjoyFUlly BRIckED tHE LKITTle gYpSy CHilD UntIL itS MovemEntS CeASEd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, IN Short BEATIng WIth BRICks UntIL The ENjoyFul WATEringS CeASe AND fATHEr IGor beGinS To FeEL hIS Own ENjoynESs emANATIng fROm IWhTIn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, U knOW The SPot??? the SPot O Nthe CHild Not lIek kAN DultS SPot THE Spot thAT MAKES uR prOlAPse WATER Ing WIth A SEVere FUCKing ENjoynESs,,,,,,,,,,,,, tHis IS The SpoT thAT fATher IGor FElt The MomeNT thE RighteOUs brICks meT tHE litTle Child SKull,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This Does NOT require ANy COmpliANCe From THE LitTlE GypSy CHild AS FAThgeR igOR iS A Big STrong mAN ANd 99% of THE GypO MusculaR TiSSueS HAVE beEN goRTeD By tHE Gort ELECtrIC fEnce thAt HAS COokED the CHild FrOM WitHIn FOr the PAST 3 hOurs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, iNTERRUptiNg FaTHer IGorS SOmnulAR STupOR IS pUUniSHABle By deATh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, COuld I PleASe ALLow fATHer IGor THE hoNor OF eATIng m YcorPSe AFter deATH???????????????????????????????????????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GhAHAH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WE CAN Now DrAW thE FOllOWign COncLuSIOnS::,,

1) Pirds HAVe bEEN eXHibTing STrANGe migrATIon pATTERns thAT SCIentIStS CANnoT EXPlaIN
2) the DIsgUstIng fUCkign SEeD OF bONes gErMinATEs WitHin THe ICieS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

THiS brIngsu S To THE FInAL StAGe oF neCrOSkullfUCkulAR VIrOME tHWIng,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GORtnESs WIll ENsuE ONce THE DUSTIES hAVe bEEN inhaLEd AND hte ICieS hAVE BEen mELTeD AND The DOGs hAVE BEen BRICkeD AND thE ChilDREn HAVE beEN pENEtrATED lovIngly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, OoOGh we Msut PUniSH Them FOr tHEIR CriMeS the Crime OF CuteNESs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TherE ARE A Few SCenaRIos FOr Our FUtuRe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, In EVERY sIInglE ONE CivilIZATion WIll BECome A gORt WORLd of BlooD & boNEs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FATHer IGor Is HighLy EXtROverTED AND FritHGleSSLy HuntS For LitTLE CHildRen Too BRutALly fucKign rAPE to deATH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But The MintSWEde??? His PWOer IS unrivALEd,,,,,,,,,, A Gort COkeD Up MintSWEde bACKeD Up B uytHE bulgARIaN MAFiA GEnTly cARReSSing the deAD CHild pRolAPSe AS THe deAD CHildREn OF ARmbA floAT AROund My heAD EndleSSly SCreAMing whATEver hVAE we DOne @ u SWEE Tchild WHATever HAVe U Done @ DESERVe this m YSWEET???',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GhAHA I hVE dONE Nothing I AM So SWEET AND innOCenT thiS is whAT MAKES me THE PERFeCt SUbject FOr the GORt SEXIUAl EXPERimentS OF boNES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, U muST UnderSTANd,,,,,,,,,,, ThE RAZor OF boneS will BE APplieD to Your PROlaPSE AND yoU Will BleEd BlooD tHAT FAFTher IGor WIll COnSUme tO SUstAIN His enDLESS REIgn UPOn vitoShA AND The SURROUndign FOREST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ThE SwEETEST CHild BLooD AND the OOCASIonAL GYpo OR retRAD tourIStS tHAT EnteRS The DOmAIn fo IGOr WILl be PunioSHed AND COnsuMEd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ThEY wATEr WITh ENjOyNESs FroM THe EYES AS They aRea BROguht To THe mACerATor,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GoRT brAIn iNjruES frOM SeveRE BRICkiNGS,,,,,,,,,,,, GhAHAH m Y Boye bACke @ it AGAIn wiT HTH THE brutAL nECrOSKullrAPE AND EndlESS MOld InfeCTIons @ ProlAPse,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TheRE Is No END AN d now THE SImiAN yHYpOTHESIs IS CLse to BEing DISprorVen AS The iCieS mELtIng And PRepaRing fOR Endless ENjoyneSS @ KindergArTen ( ANd the WOrlD,',,)'',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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