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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

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Russian Federation the russian normalfag Podol'sk, Moskovskaya oblast'  No.3087770 +2 

Russian Federation the russian moralfag Dolgoprudnyy, Moskovskaya oblast'  No.3087778 

kheghdvir haykakan aybouben apourov ghoukas isk asttsou siroun mernir aghachoum em

Russian Federation the russian big black cock Dolgoprudnyy, Moskovskaya oblast'  No.3087779 

ghokas,,, jamanak@ yekel a

Armenia the armenian jaxon Yerevan, Erevan  No.3087782 

Ghokasin ba chases, ara, ink im axperna

Russian Federation the russian zinger Dolgoprudnyy, Moskovskaya oblast'  No.3087786 

tvum a vor es "gokas" tghan mi bazvac andz a…

Russian Federation the russian kiribati Moscow, Moskva  No.3087790 

mersi axper

Russian Federation the russian tree hugger Ryazan', Ryazanskaya oblast'  No.3087805 


Russian Federation the russian christcuck Moscow, Moskva  No.3087806 

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