the american big black cock Bellevue, Washington No.3087169 +2
you will never be a woman
the american alex jones Council Bluffs, Iowa No.3087173 +12
trans women are women.
the romanian pizza boy Voluntari, Ilfov No.3087277
>>3087173Don't most mtf regret cutting their penises off eventually?
the lithuanian bougie chad Vilnius, Vilniaus apskritis No.3087282
you will never be a tiger
furmod Toronto, Ontario No.3087283 +2
>>3087277overwhelmingly not
the german diaperfur fetishist Hanover, Niedersachsen No.3087284 +1
>>3087283of course they do, they just can't admit it
furmod Calgary, Alberta No.3087285 +2
>>3087284i know enough people in real life who have gotten it to know this is bullshit
the german bateman Berlin, Berlin No.3087288 +2
>>3087285I'm a random strongly opinionated person on the internet, how dare you talk back to me
the finnish janitor Helsinki, Uusimaa No.3087303
you will never have a chin fuckface
the finnish rick Vihti, Uusimaa No.3087307
the german orbi Zwickau, Sachsen No.3087310
you will never be a bronnen
the norwegian ferenc fart Evje, Aust-Agder No.3087325
>>3087283the trans suicide rate is 41% across the board, and it's even higher for the ones that get their dicks turned into scars, I'm sure the ones you personally know are happy with it, but for you to say they "overwhelmingly" don't regret it is false, their suicide rate lies around 50% at the very least.
furmod Toronto, Ontario No.3087327 +2
>>3087325if you want statistics, the regret over surgery statistic is 1%'s true that trans people attempt suicide a lot compared to the 7% that's the norm for young people, but regret over the surgery is a pretty rare reason.
that pic is a complete hack job, that's an example from the most incompetant surgeon you can find and doesn't represent reality
the american tuna swede Council Bluffs, Iowa No.3087331
>>3087325shut up r-word that data isn't even reliable, let alone accurate, in the slightest, f-ggot
the norwegian tuna swede Sarpsborg, Ostfold No.3087335 +4
>>3087327If you think that's a fuckup then you clearly haven't seen what the really bad ones look like, this example is one of the good ones. .
Also, why do you think the suicide rate for post ops is higher? Do you think it has nothing to do with the surgery?
>>3087331You are a child sexual predator, I refuse to believe anything you say unless you provide evidence, "f-ggot".
furmod Calgary, Alberta No.3087337 +4
>>3087335i think you're scientifically illiterate, like all alt shites
making leaps, assumptions and not recongizing poor quality research if it fits your preconceived notions
the higher quality research papers show that post operation regret is a miniscule percentage almost always the result of a botched surgery, that all trans related procedures have advanced dramatically in the modern age, that though suicidiality remains astronomically high, it decreases with successful transition, including surgical
Nous vous enterrerons Malmoe, Skane lan No.3087339 +2
the german newfag Zwickau, Sachsen No.3087341 +1
serious discussions? on my bronnen?
the german christcuck Berlin, Berlin No.3087343 +1
the american hiv carrier Council Bluffs, Iowa No.3087344 +1
>>3087335your so damn r-worded all you have is literally made up bs?? kys
the polish beefer Jastrzab, Mazowieckie No.3087347
>>30873277% of young people attempt suicide?
furmod (massive cuckold spotted) Calgary, Alberta No.3087349
>>3087347yeah and its getting worse over time
suicide and ideation are very high in all youth, and extremely high for queer youth
by 17 20% of all men and 28% of all woman are self harming
look for yourself, our entire generation is mentally fucked
the german futanari Berlin, Berlin No.3087353
>>3087349young people are sissies
t. old people
the finnish chad Helsinki, Uusimaa No.3087358 +3
>>3087282saddest post of the thread
the american mudžahid Mount Laurel, New Jersey No.3087365 +1
you will never be a horse
dana scullys eyebrow arch Anchorage, Alaska No.3087367
That doesn't mean i still didn't suck his cock and lick his balls!!!
the norwegian haraldúr Evje, Aust-Agder No.3087379
>>3087337How about we stop pretending to be le reddit intellectual rick and morty science men? Be honest, you don't read research papers because you're genuinely interested, you only go looking for research papers when you think they can help you win a debate.
You're also a bit scientifically illiterate yourself, you only look at a few studies that align with your bias and then commit to your position, but the fact of the matter is that there are peer reviewed studies that support nearly any belief you can have, the studies don't tell you anything other than the results of a singular experiment, for example, the study you linked to only states that trans people don't often self-report regretting SRS, nothing else.
Once you're so deep into trans culture that you're actually getting the surgery, you're so heavily invested in it that dropping out isn't an option anymore, the same phenomena can be seen in people who join scientology, the sunk cost is so great that it's easier to dig yourself deeper in than admit to yourself that you were wrong.
the american bluepilled cuck Grand Rapids, Michigan No.3087380 +2
>>3087379take the L mango
furmod Calgary, Alberta No.3087381 +3
i'm embarrassed that i started this
the american glaceon Council Bluffs, Iowa No.3087390
>>3087381well, eugene started it
the american futacock Council Bluffs, Iowa No.3087391
>>3087379shut the fuck up contrarian braindead schizo fuck
garbage!yHewato8KQ Eyemouth, Scotland No.3087414 +1
good threat
Rolled d20-1. Result: 15.
the american bougie Mount Laurel, New Jersey No.3087416
>>3087414me posting hewats transformation one day
garbage!yHewato8KQ Eyemouth, Scotland No.3087417
>>3087416I hope you're patient
Rolled d20-1. Result: 5.
the finnish bug chaser Lappeenranta, Etela-Karjala No.3087418
>>3087417I'm one of the few thinking you probably really shouldn't, but…
godspeed brother/sister
I'm a girl named Rebecca Eyemouth, Scotland No.3087419
>>3087418I'm one of the few also thinking I probably really shouldnt
furmod Calgary, Alberta No.3087424
>>3087419do you have full on dysphoria?
I'm a girl named Rebecca Eyemouth, Scotland No.3087436
>>3087424thats for the doctors to decide