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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

File: 1611745615142.png (342.35 KB, 969x1775, TAKE ACTION v6.png) ImgOps Google

United States Please address rampant anorectal violence & misinformation. the american aids boy Scottsdale, Arizona  No.3085736 +1 

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—involving a combination of rapid thrusting, a girthy penis/object, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anal and rectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. When more than one person is involved such abuse should therefore constitute severely criminal behavior for any penetrative person—especially if significant mental pathology, a strong judgment-impairing drug, etc. are involved.

Pornography featuring anorectal violence can have numerous effects on some viewers. It may serve as inspiration for their own activities, condition them to be aroused by suffering, and contribute to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with such inclinations, some affiliated with pornography companies, are having a field day with anorectal violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence.

Governments worldwide have not addressed those matters effectively, and many people are suffering as a result. First and foremost, educational systems under their purview are failing to adequately and accurately educate people about anorectal anatomy, physiology, health, and especially the traumatic risks of anoreceptive activities. Secondly, governments are failing to rein in out-of-control pornography industries over which they have jurisdiction. Lastly, for people who both 1) harm others for profit and 2) inspire countless viewers, governments are failing to ensure that they face severe criminal consequences: Some of those viewers are inspired to the point of emulation, even using coercion.

Germany the german csgo Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen  No.3085738 +1 

pretty gay

Netherlands the dutch witzig junge Amsterdam, Noord-Holland  No.3085808 


Netherlands the dutch einor hugji Amsterdam, Noord-Holland  No.3085809 

OP here, BTW. It'd be nice if this place were more tor-friendly. Using proxies to post is less than ideal.

Finland the finnish admin Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3085810 +4 

File: 1612187467300.jpg (657.61 KB, 849x1200, smol jewish cunny.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

fix antisemitism first please

Finland the finnish chad Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3085811 +8 

File: 1612189113607.jpg (147.58 KB, 850x850, 87bf073d41fcebf9dbfc6ac408….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

top 5 problems affecting the world right now:

1. fursecution
2. transphobia
3. homophobia
4. exorsexism
5. antisemitism

Netherlands the dutch bhenchod Amsterdam, Noord-Holland  No.3085830 

I included a paste about logically-fallacious diversionary tactics at the bottom of the "TAKE ACTION" image for a reason.

> A red herring logical fallacy is a tangential topic introduced as a distraction.

France the french roy orbison Paris, Ile-de-France  No.3085983 +3 

Bump again. (Where in the world is the Anal Avenger's proxy?)

Several English-language Wikipedia articles have had major, inexcusable flaws for many years. Among other issues:
• The article about the human anus has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Human females beyond developmental stages in the womb should lack an externally-visible perineal raphe, or seamlike union/ridge, in the anogenital region between the anus and the vagina; the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them and does not form a persistent, visible midline raphe as it may in males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the article about the perineal raphe claims otherwise with no support from any cited source.
• The article about simple columnar epithelium explains nothing about its fragility nor lack of somatic innervation (for pain sensitivity).

The article about anal sex …
• lacks a neutral point of view — an essential component of Wikipedia's presentational philosophy. It fails to present even one _scientific_ opposing perspective, giving readers without exposure to more balanced sources the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions. One such scientific perspective: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many all-too-common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short-term and long-term health risks for the receptive person. [Rationale: Anorectal Risks 1-3]
• fails to mention the normalization of injurious anoreceptive violence in pornography featuring real people.
• does not point out that "hemorrhoid" is an ambiguous term, sometimes referring to pathology and other times to normal anatomy.
• contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature: "natural" is not necessarily good or desirable, nor is "unnatural" necessarily the inverse.

Those flaws contribute to rampant anorectal abuse and misinformation facilitating it.

Hong Kong the hong konger nippr daemon Hong Kong, Hong Kong  No.3086289 

Last bump

If no one else posts in this thread, then I'll let it die. Thanks to the mods/admins/etc. for being bros, true to this place's name. I wish more sites had people like you.

United States the american csgo Chicago, Illinois  No.3086290 +2 

shut the fuck up nerd

Germany the german gamergater Berlin, Berlin  No.3086337 

very kcorrect

Germany the german tom preston Nuremberg, Bayern  No.3086488 

I appreciate the vote of confidence, but posting that doesn't do anything to address those flaws. People will need to put in effort to do so at some point.

Mind you, edits addressing those flaws may not persist, and Wikipedia just might be a lost cause at least for these topics (especially when [corporate] money and livelihoods are at stake). However, so far as I can determine no one has even tried, so coming to such a conclusion would be premature.

United States the american mudžahid Seattle, Washington  No.3086830 

> The article about the human anus has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Human females beyond developmental stages in the womb should lack an externally-visible perineal raphe, or seamlike union/ridge, in the anogenital region between the anus and the vagina; the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them and does not form a persistent, visible midline raphe as it may in males [References: Anatomy & Trauma >>8185]. Furthermore, the article about the perineal raphe claims otherwise with no support from any cited source.
> the article about the perineal raphe claims otherwise with no support from any cited source.
A recent edit changed that (and introduced a grammatical issue: "It is found in males arises from …"); we shall see whether that change persists or not:

Also, it would be nice if this place were more tor-friendly, perhaps even adding an onion address. I am aware of reasons why that may not be desirable though.

Luxembourg the luxembourger cuckservative Bissen, Luxembourg  No.3087505 

France the french sissy hunter Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3087690 

> A recent edit changed that
That edit was reverted, so what I wrote previously is applicable once again:
> the article about the perineal raphe claims otherwise with no support from any cited source.

> The article about the human anus has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Human females beyond developmental stages in the womb should lack an externally-visible perineal raphe, or seamlike union/ridge, in the anogenital region between the anus and the vagina; the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them and does not form a persistent, visible midline raphe as it may in males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the article about the perineal raphe claims otherwise with no support from any cited source.

Canada the canadian mod Montreal, Quebec  No.3087817 

> governments are failing to rein in out-of-control pornography industries over which they have jurisdiction
Can anyone provide names of politicians worldwide who are or were in a position to rein in an out-of-control pornography industry yet failed to do so?

Here are the names of four politicians in the U.S. who appear to satisfy that criterion:
Jerry Brown, former California governor
Kamala Harris, former California Attorney General
Gavin Newsom, current California governor
Xavier Becerra, former California Attorney General

Strangely, Harris and Becerra seem to have "failed upwards" in that they now are part of the Biden administration.

Canada the canadian bluepilled cuck Montreal, Quebec  No.3087839 

File: 1625214683814.pdf (31.78 KB, biden & harris corruption.pdf)

I am sorely tempted to set off some "fireworks" soon (not here, of course, being a bro). Can anyone give me some reasons as to why I should not? They should be very, _very_ convincing reasons; it seems to me that no one is actually listening, so perhaps advocating for violent justice along with assassination of corrupt politicians (particularly ones who failed to dispense justice in relation to the topics covered here, along with anyone who … "promoted" them e.g. in Biden's case, who's quite corrupt himself besides) will have an actual, observable effect…

From an older variant of my "justice" paste (the only difference compared to the new one is replacement of the third paragraph):
> This is happening because the vast majority of humanity never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters even though the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Justice has not been served in far too many cases — and may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed.

From a post of mine elsewhere:
(Quoting myself in another post)
> In some cases there already are applicable [criminal] laws that are not being enforced.
In those cases many people need to ask various questions such as: Who was in a position to enforce those laws—particularly against blatantly obvious serial perpetrators of anorectal violence against others—and why did they fail at this responsibility? These questions are especially important when considering that enforcement is* time-sensitive due to various factors such as perpetrator/accessory relocation.
(Quoting the newer justice paste)
> Lastly, for people who both 1) harm others for profit and 2) inspire countless viewers, governments are failing to ensure that they face severe criminal consequences: Some viewers are inspired to the point of emulation, even using coercion.
Looked at objectively, especially serial perpetrators of violence—along with those who direct their actions and/or profit from their violent behavior such as scene directors and corporate executives (i.e., a criminal accessory)—against others who inspire countless viewers need to be punished severely, AND SHOWN TO BE. That is because their violent atrocities against others may continue to inspire some viewers for many years and even decades afterward. If it is demonstrated that such people will not escape justice (even justice dispensed without government involvement — by any means necessary), then that might be sufficient to dissuade many would-be violent criminals. Psychopaths, for all else that they lack—including empathy for others, remorse about harming others, and a conscience—may still have a sense of self-preservation.

* Barring extremely-unlikely imposition of relevant criminal laws that not only are instituted worldwide to account for relocation, but _also_ are made applicable retroactively to cover previously-produced material that continues to inspire some viewers (again, in some cases even decades later)

United Kingdom the british virgin London, England  No.3087878 

Perhaps it is long, LONG past time to escalate more often. Also from a post of mine elsewhere:
> In the heterosexual pornography world at least, individuals such as Rocco Siffredi established a reputation for inflicting brutal anorectal violence against many victims — for which, apparently, neither he nor many like him have ever been criminally and severely prosecuted. Note that English Wikipedia's current article about Rocco Siffredi says nothing about his penchant for brutal anorectal violence (a major omission since he became well-known for such behavior), criminal prosecution by any government, nor punishment by some other means (e.g. someone taking justice into his or her own hands). The article is entirely too positive, flattering, and light-hearted considering that it's covering someone who has undeniably contributed greatly to the suffering of many others along with societal decadence arising from blatant injustice, inspiring far too many people to emulate his violent behavior, and more factors.
First of all, I should call a spade, a spade; and a serially violent criminal, a serially violent criminal. Rocco Siffredi, among many more people like him, is a violent criminal many times over. He, along with those like him, must be punished very severely for violent crimes that inspired countless others. If no government is up to the task of dispensing justice, then one or more individuals must take on the roles of judge, jury, and executioner. Doing so possibly would as well involve elimination of any government "obstacles" that stand in the way of true justice.

Furthermore, it could be argued that Wikipedia's rather fawning article about Rocco Siffredi constitutes glorification of a violent criminal and endorsement of criminal violence. That being the case, perhaps the Wikipedia administration should be held accountable for those. Besides, there is some evidence that at least one person in charge at Wikipedia potentially had, and may still have, pornography industry connections: namely co-founder Jimmy Wales through a previous venture called Bomis. A serious investigation may be in order to determine whether anyone currently in charge at Wikipedia has such connections, and whether they might have been used to influence any articles with a pro-pornography industry and/or pro-violent crime bias.

I am sorry to post this, but after 10+ years of people clearly not listening, something needs to change drastically. Concerning the matters over which I have been crusading for much too long, certainly nothing is significantly and overtly changing for the better. I can not control that (at least, not without mass bloodshed and throwing my life away). What I can control is myself, and so I can change my approach. Perhaps such a change is long overdue…

United Kingdom the british kirinorway London, England  No.3087902 

Rampant anorectal violence is a major problem. It is perhaps one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today. Rationale:
• Several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and sometimes even emulating violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal. Those violent criminals going unpunished for their crimes is a serious problem. Those violent criminals, and most especially the serial offenders inspiring countless viewers, need to be punished severely and shown to be — by ANY means necessary.
• Widespread ignorance—and most especially _willful_ ignorance—and apathy about the anus along with anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies both to have a field day with such violence and spread disinformation. Again, that unrestrained hedonism is contributing to societal decay, probably very significantly. Because so many people just don't wish to think about, much less seriously discuss anorectal matters, rampant anorectal violence "flies under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic abuse (which may not even be anywhere near as dangerous).
• Given the widespread ignorance about what an anus is even supposed to look like, it's often the preferred target of people who like to disfigure body parts. It doesn't help that, despite it being one of our most important body parts, the anus is commonly denigrated and abused (intentionally treated in a harmful/injurious manner). That abuse is tolerated (or at least ignored) by far too many people. The vast majority of humanity may never care much at least about another person's anus, meaning that discouraging erotic anoreceptive activities entirely probably is the only effective solution.

Consider what I posted above to be a draft: I most likely will make changes, possibly substantial ones. I probably will also repost it elsewhere as a recurring paste. Constructive criticism for this and/or any other writings of mine is welcome.

United States the american hairline Piscataway, New Jersey  No.3088068 

Updated "atfsummary" (Anatomy & Trauma summary + aesthetic anus fetish paragraph):

The human anus when closed at rest should resemble an anteroposterior slit surrounded by shallow, semi-symmetrical, radial perianal skin folds. Healthy perianal skin commonly has a different, typically darker, color due to physiologic hyperpigmentation.

Anorectal trauma can result in persistent, externally-visible changes to the anus and its surroundings. Potential consequences include the anal orifice shrinking or becoming misshapen due to constricting scar tissue formation, the perianal skin folds disappearing due to underlying anal sphincter damage, and one or more lumps appearing (e.g. an anal skin tag, prolapsed internal hemorrhoid, or thrombosed/diseased external hemorrhoid). If the perianal skin folds remain, pruritus and/or cutaneous thickening may result in exaggerated skin folds. [References for paragraphs 1 and 2: Anatomy & Trauma]

A [strong] sexual fetish must be satisfied for sexual arousal, and a fetishist with partialism obsesses usually over a non-sexual body part[1]. A human anus resembling the anatomical ideal at rest has symmetrical features; symmetry is one aspect that humans consider when evaluating beauty[2]. Partly due to common prejudices against and denigration of the anus along with rampant, anus-mutilating erotic anorectal violence, developing an aesthetic anus fetish is highly unusual; and _accepting_ it, even moreso. This fetish does indeed seem to be very rare: otherwise that violence would have strong opposition. Some malicious people (such as sexual sadists and sadistic psychopaths) pretend to have such a fetish—and will even praise a clearly damaged/diseased anus typically without being challenged—because doing so facilitates and perpetuates anorectal violence.

1. "The DSM diagnostic criteria for fetishism." Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2010 Apr; 39(2): 357-62. PMID 19795202. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9558-7.
2. "Symmetry, beauty and evolution." Nature. 1994 Nov 10; 372(6502): 169-72. PMID 7969448. doi:10.1038/372169a0.

United States the american burger flipper Piscataway, New Jersey  No.3088069 

I think I'm done with the "decadence" paste for now:

Rampant anorectal violence is perhaps one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today. Rationale:
• Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and engaging in violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a serious problem; those who inspired countless viewers should be punished severely AND SHOWN TO BE. Unfortunately, in many cases this may be out of governments' hands due to the passage of time, relocation, etc. Therefore dispensing justice by ANY means necessary without government involvement is the only realistic solution in far too many cases.
• Widespread ignorance—especially _willful_ ignorance—and apathy about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. Again, that unrestrained hedonism is contributing to societal decay, probably very significantly. Since so many people don't wish to think about, much less seriously discuss anorectal matters, rampant anorectal violence "flies under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic abuse which may not even be anywhere near as dangerous.
• Given the widespread ignorance about what an anus is supposed to look like, it's often the preferred target of people who like to disfigure body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is not valued very highly, and it commonly is denigrated and intentionally abused (treated in a harmful/injurious manner). That abuse is tolerated, or at least ignored, by far too many people. The vast majority of humanity may never care much at least about another person's anus, meaning that discouraging erotic anoreceptive activities entirely is likely to be the only viable solution.

United States the american drumpf Council Bluffs, Iowa  No.3088084 

who ask, schizo

Brazil classic putin Brasilia, Distrito Federal  No.3088120 

this is the only good thread on the board rn

Singapore the singaporean kekistani Singapore, Singapore  No.3088199 

The Wikipedia critique has been shelved, perhaps permanently. I like the idea of Wikipedia, but in practice it is flawed.
> there is some evidence that at least one person in charge at Wikipedia potentially had, and may still have, pornography industry connections: namely co-founder Jimmy Wales through a previous venture called Bomis.
More reasons:

I Get Paid To Edit Wikipedia For Leading Companies (Jan 10, 2013) by Mike Wood
https://www.legalmorning.com/the-reason-i-never-disclose-my-work-as-a-paid-wikipedia-editor/ (Aug 10, 2013) by Mike Wood
The Covert World of People Trying to Edit Wikipedia—for Pay
Facebook, Axios And NBC Paid This Guy To Whitewash Wikipedia Pages (Mar 14, 2019; updated Jul 18, 2019)

Switzerland the swiss behindert Winterthur, Zurich  No.3088201 

It's sodomy. Plan and simple.

Singapore the singaporean modi chaiwala Singapore, Singapore  No.3088219 

"Sodomy" has religious connotations and can be ambiguous (technically it also includes oral erotic activities and even bestiality). I try to refrain from using the term myself.

United States the american tom preston Phoenix, Arizona  No.3088529 

Here is a toned-down variant:

Rampant anorectal violence may be one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today. Rationale:
• It is very common — especially in pornography. Several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and engaging in violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem; many people are being inspired by material that should constitute incriminating evidence and that in many cases is even sold for a profit. Those perpetrators even are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead be widely and harshly condemned and severely punished for their violent behavior.
• Widespread ignorance—particularly _willful_ ignorance—and apathy about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing to societal decay, likely very significantly. Since so many people don't wish to think about, much less seriously discuss anorectal matters, rampant anorectal violence "flies under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic abuse which may not even be anywhere near as dangerous.
• Given the widespread ignorance about what an anus is supposed to look like, it's often the preferred target of people who like to disfigure body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is not valued very highly, and it commonly is denigrated and intentionally abused (treated in a harmful/injurious manner). That abuse is tolerated, or at least ignored, by far too many people. The vast majority of humanity may never care much at least about another person's anus, meaning that discouraging erotic anoreceptive activities entirely probably is the only viable solution.

France the french milcel Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3088568 

File: 1631358915867.pdf (31.98 KB, reddit bullshit & omission.pdf)

Here are many examples of rampant mis-/disinformation (misinformation is false information; disinformation is misinformation that is produced/spread intentionally).

France the french oblivious hussy Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3088569 

File: 1631358982429.png (330.12 KB, 1138x1192, reddit.png) ImgOps Google

And here is an old image of one subreddit with plenty of examples of rampant anorectal violence to this day. Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of this post] persist despite that: /r/Pain /r/Roughanal /r/DegradingHoles

* "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people"
https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 [accessed 2021/09/11]

> https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151

Here is a recent addition: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule."

New material continues to appear on /r/sex that is suitable for inclusion in "reddit bullshit & omission." Somehow I very strongly doubt we'll see many (or even ANY) bans of people on that subreddit for spreading health misinformation/disinformation — at least and especially where anorectal matters are concerned…


United States the american kid rater Mount Laurel, New Jersey  No.3088578 

File: 1631421033758.mp4 (495.73 KB, 1152x864, what the fuck is this.mp4) ImgOps Google

>paragraphs on my bronnen

Singapore the singaporean cal Singapore, Singapore  No.3088693 

I've added two sentences to the first paragraph of the text supported by Prolapse & Incontinence. A new compilation update is planned and should be done in a few months. In the mean time, those sentences already are mostly supported by quoted portions of sources already present in P&I: new second sentence — PMC7113592; new last sentence — PMC2780134 & PMID 2176777. There also are more sources in other parts of the compilation supporting the claim about the internal hemorrhoidal cushions lacking somatic innervation; I intend for that to be supported by everything except Trends & Associations (or at least AR1-3) so that I can include the information in the traumatic risks summary.
> [Second] Damage to one or more of the internal hemorrhoidal cushions elicits no pain sensation due to their lack of somatic innervation.
> [Last] Furthermore, pulling or traction on nerves in the anorectal region can potentially lead to neuropathy and associated fecal incontinence.
I've quoted some new sources below as well. They may or may not be referenced in the upcoming compilation as part of P&I or another named quote collection.

"Fifty percent of patients with rectal intussusception, in addition to the usual symptoms associated with obstructed defecation—evacuatory difficulty, a feeling of incomplete emptying, pelvic pain and pressure, and rectal bleeding—will complain of fecal incontinence. Possible mechanisms for this include an occult defect of the external anal sphincter or a traction pudendal neuropathy resulting from long-standing, excessive straining to defecate. An overflow incontinence-type mechanism, where distension of the lower rectum by the intussusceptum activates the rectoanal inhibitory reflex resulting in relaxation of the internal anal sphincter, has also been proposed."
"Treatment of Obstructed Defecation." Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery. 2012 Mar; 25(1): 24-33. PMC3348733. doi:10.1055/s-0032-1301756.

"Most patients with rectal prolapse have some degree of incontinence and reduced rectal capacity. Fecal incontinence accompanying rectal prolapse may be due to sphincter dilatation by the prolapse, weakness of the pelvic floor, or pudendal neuropathy caused by chronic traction of the nerves."
"Delorme's operation plus sphincteroplasty for complete rectal prolapse associated with traumatic fecal incontinence." The Journal of Biomedical Research. 2015 Jul; 29(4): 326-331. PMC4547382. doi:10.7555/JBR.29.20140080.

Singapore the singaporean beanchad Singapore, Singapore  No.3088694 

The traumatic risks summary has been updated; the very last sentence is in brackets because it's not yet (and will be excluded until it is) clearly supported by quoted material in Anorectal Risks 2 & 3:

Traumatic risks of human anoreceptive activities include inflammation, abrasion and tearing, muscle and connective tissue damage, and colorectal perforation. Sequelae may arise, such as hemorrhage/hematoma, hemorrhoidal disease, ulceration, bacterial infection followed by abscess / fistula / life-threatening systemic sepsis, rectal prolapse, fecal incontinence, anal skin tag (remnant of external hemorrhoidal thrombosis, scar tissue from a healed tear, or a sentinel tag for a chronic anal fissure), and anatomic stenosis (narrowing due to constricting scar tissue). One instance of trauma can lead to multiple complications. Cumulative damage and preexisting conditions are concerns as well.

~2cm beyond the anal opening at the pectinate/dentate line, the epithelium transitions from stratified squamous (anoderm) to simple columnar in part of the narrow surgical anal canal, continuous with the rectum. This very fragile mucosal lining is easily damaged especially if its mucus barrier is removed by an enema or otherwise impaired. Furthermore, some enemas and lubricants can inflame the lining and even cause it to slough off. Mucosal injury alone elicits no pain sensations due to a lack of somatic innervation, so resultant problems may remain undetected absent one or more obvious symptoms.

Neuromuscular physiology also contributes to anorectal fragility particularly for girthy and vigorous insertions, which are objectively foolish and very likely to be significantly injurious. The involuntary internal anal sphincter relaxes with rectal distension. The puborectalis and external sphincter completely relax when a person bears down, causing hemorrhoidal cushions to engorge and become more susceptible to injury by shear (frictional sliding) force. [The internal hemorrhoidal cushions also lack somatic innervation.]

France the french hewat Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3088741 

> The article about the human anus has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Human females beyond developmental stages in the womb should lack an externally-visible perineal raphe, or seamlike union/ridge, in the anogenital region between the anus and the vagina; the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them and does not form a persistent, visible midline raphe as it may in males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the article about the perineal raphe claims otherwise with no support from any cited source.
These probably are among the most insidious instances of likely-intentional anatomical inaccuracies, and they've been present for far too long. As I posted elsewhere:

A large and noticeable midline anogenital ridge most certainly is NOT normal anatomy at least for biological females outside of the womb. A "knot of skin of varying size" (a lump in other words) near the anal verge is not normal anatomy either. Rather, both of those are likely to be a result of trauma or perhaps an STI (although there are more and probably rarer possibilities, such as a congenital condition).

It is very likely that those claims to the contrary in Wikipedia's current article about the perineal raphe constitute disinformation. That is, false information (misinformation) was intentionally introduced so that people can refer someone else to the article while saying something like, "Look! What you have is normal!" That also applies for Wikipedia's current article about the human anus and its image of a female human's anus (although that's a false representation of normal anatomy rather than false information).

And to be absolutely clear and unambiguous: My usage of the word "normal" above is in accordance with the biological/medical meaning, which is not synonymous with "common."

France the french magapede Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3088742 

> A "knot of skin of varying size" (a lump in other words) near the anal verge is not normal anatomy either. [Note: That was written in the context of biological females outside of the womb. Such a "knot of skin" could perhaps be normal anatomy for biological males, but the current article about the perineal raphe is applying that claim to both biological sexes.]
That's referring to yet another unsourced claim currently present in the article about the perineal raphe that was introduced back in February. The relevant change: ", and is visible running medial through anteroposterior, to the anus where it resolves in a small knot of skin of varying size" https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Perineal_raphe&action=historysubmit&type=revision&diff=1005127023&oldid=1004005274

>>3087878 >>3088199
On my todo list: Maybe advocate holding people at Wikipedia accountable for failing to do anything about both health and anatomy mis-/disinformation and glorification of violent criminals (e.g. Rocco Siffredi) present on their site for MANY years. Although some or all of the material in question may be user-contributed, it could be argued that Wikipedia employees/executives ultimately are responsible for content on their site. (Cue arguments about Section 230… The U.S. is not the entire world. Furthermore, tracking down individual contributors may be close to impossible years later especially without personal details that Wikipedia probably does not require. This is not merely a problem with Wikipedia either: growing concerns of late are harmful false information spreading e.g. on Facebook, and what to do about that.)

I think I need to become much noisier ("spammier"). What I've been doing—for about fifteen years no less—is obviously insufficient. Perhaps I should unshelve the Wikipedia critique as well…

Canada the canadian hacker Montreal, Quebec  No.3088885 

Related: https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211007/07051447716/if-you-want-to-know-why-section-230-matters-just-ask-wikimedia-without-it-thered-be-no-wikipedia.shtml

Counterpoint to the pro-Section 230 position (and, again, the U.S. is not the entire world): There are some exceptions, such as child pornography. Perhaps people operating sites with user-contributed material should be held accountable for harmful false information and similar harmful material at least when it is present and/or being spread for a considerable number of years or even decades.

I already have a hit list including violent criminals, politicians who enabled violent criminals / failed to prosecute when they had (or still have) jurisdiction, and a few others. Perhaps I should start another (or expand the current one) for people involved with e.g. Wikipedia and Reddit who fail to do anything about glorification of violent criminals, mis-/disinformation (and, in Wikipedia's case, an inaccurate representation of anatomy for one of our most important body parts present FOR MANY YEARS), site policies not being enforced, etc. Can anyone suggest people who need to be killed for justice to be served? Jimmy Wales comes to mind for Wikipedia: Who else involved with Wikipedia should be marked for death? How about people involved with Reddit?

Australia the australian lumpenprole Sydney, New South Wales  No.3088887 +1 

kraut channel LIVE

upvote this post to help the algorithm

Luxembourg the luxembourger stem masterrace Bissen, Luxembourg  No.3088942 

> A new compilation update is planned and should be done in a few months.
It is done:
(Tor onion; paste expires on the original site)
> The traumatic risks summary has been updated; the very last sentence is in brackets because it's not yet (and will be excluded until it is) clearly supported by quoted material in Anorectal Risks 2 & 3
That's done also.
> I think I need to become much noisier ("spammier"). What I've been doing—for about fifteen years no less—is obviously insufficient.
I have not done that yet. Soon, probably…
> Perhaps I should unshelve the Wikipedia critique as well…
It's back. The text supported by Prolapse & Incontinence has been updated as well. The image is related.

Luxembourg the luxembourger witzig junge Bissen, Luxembourg  No.3088943 

File: 1635373630581.png (463.39 KB, 1020x2630, TAKE ACTION v7.png) ImgOps Google

>forgot the image

Luxembourg the luxembourger numale Bissen, Luxembourg  No.3089096 

There are a few issues with that one, so here's another:

I'm continuing to evaluate included material, and may create another compilation on Palindrome Day (20211202). Hopefully it won't differ too much from the 202111 version.

China the chinese teemu Xiamen, Fujian  No.3089106 

France the french moralfag Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3089192 

> […] it could be argued that Wikipedia's rather fawning article about Rocco Siffredi constitutes glorification of a violent criminal and endorsement of criminal violence. That being the case, perhaps the Wikipedia administration should be held accountable for those. Besides, there is some evidence that at least one person in charge at Wikipedia potentially had, and may still have, pornography industry connections: namely co-founder Jimmy Wales through a previous venture called Bomis. A serious investigation may be in order to determine whether anyone currently in charge at Wikipedia has such connections, and whether they might have been used to influence any articles with a pro-pornography industry and/or pro-violent crime bias.
Has anyone determined whether Jimmy Wales and/or anyone else in a position of power at Wikipedia had, or more importantly still have, such connections?
> On my todo list: Maybe advocate holding people at Wikipedia accountable for failing to do anything about both health and anatomy mis-/disinformation and glorification of violent criminals (e.g. Rocco Siffredi) present on their site for MANY years. Although some or all of the material in question may be user-contributed, it could be argued that Wikipedia employees/executives ultimately are responsible for content on their site.
The Wikipedia critique has been changed:
> As of [last checked date] and for far too many years prior, several related English Wikipedia articles have had major & inexcusable flaws, including these:
As of [last checked date] several related English Wikipedia articles have had major & inexcusable flaws, including these:
> Those flaws contribute to rampant anorectal violence and misinformation facilitating it.
Those flaws have for far too many years been contributing to rampant anorectal violence along with misinformation facilitating it. People involved with Wikipedia must be held accountable for this.

United States the american newfag Dulles, Virginia  No.3089197 

The anal avenger! I've missed you from 8chan all those years ago.

France the french masturbati Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3089203 

> I'm continuing to evaluate included material, and may create another compilation on Palindrome Day (20211202).
I was sidetracked by other matters, so that probably won't happen now. If there are any significant issues with the 2021/11 compilation, then I'll probably discover them on my own eventually. (It's also possible that one or more others could point out valid criticisms, but that's highly unlikely to occur IMO. I have to be my own greatest critic, because unfortunately I can't trust others I encounter at least on anonymous sites online to be both knowledgeable about these topics and honest.)
Speaking of being sidetracked… Is that a red herring I smell?

Anyway, I do sort of miss the original 8chan. This "crusade" of mine has been going on since about 2006 though, which I believe predates 8chan by quite a few years (but not another place which I would rather refrain from mentioning).
> The Wikipedia critique has been changed
And again:
• The "human anus" article has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Biological human females should lack an obvious perineal raphe (seamlike union/ridge) in the anogenital region between the anus and the vagina, because the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them; embryologically it does not promote formation of a persistent, externally-visible midline raphe as it may in biological males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the "perineal raphe" article suggests otherwise (involving urogenital folds) with no support from any cited source.
• The "simple columnar epithelium" article explains neither its fragility nor (at least in the anorectal region) lack of somatic innervation.

The "anal sex" article …
• lacks even one _scientific_ opposing perspective, giving readers without exposure to balanced sources the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions. One such perspective: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many all-too-common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short- and long-term health risks to a receptive person. [Rationale: Anorectal Risks 1-3]
• fails to mention the normalization of injurious anorectal violence in pornography featuring real people.
• does not account for the ambiguity of the term "hemorrhoid," which can refer to pathology or normal anatomy.
• contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature: "natural" is not necessarily good or desirable, nor is "unnatural" necessarily the inverse.

France the french bing bing wahoo Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3089204 

> The "human anus" article has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Biological human females should lack an obvious perineal raphe (seamlike union/ridge) in the anogenital region between the anus and the vagina, because the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them; embryologically it does not promote formation of a persistent, externally-visible midline raphe as it may in biological males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the "perineal raphe" article suggests otherwise (involving urogenital folds) with no support from any cited source.
Aside from relevant material included in Anatomy & Trauma, here is more:

“Erectile genital tissues in both males and females arise from the same embryological structures and thus are homologous” (Yang et al., 2006). The external genitalia of males and females develop from the urogenital sinus (which is divided into pelvic and phallic parts), from the genital tubercle or phallus, from the urogenital folds, and from the labioscrotal swellings. The corpora cavernosa of the clitoris and the glans are formed from the phallus. The vestibule of the vagina, the labia minora, the vestibular bulbs, and the female corpus spongiosum are formed by the pelvic and phallic part of the urogenital sinus and from the urogenital folds (Testut and Latarjet, 1972; Chiarugi and Bucciante, 1975; Standring, 2008; Puppo, 2011a). The phallic portion of the urogenital sinus remains open, and the genital folds do not fuse, and details of clitoral anatomy can be visualized with ultrasound and MRI prenatally (Wünsch and Schober, 2007)."
… "The main difference between the male and the female is the absence of the development of the external urethra in the female (to be precise, only the urethra in the glans is missing) due to the nonfusion of the urogenital folds; however, the structures that form the external urethra in the male are present in the female and correspond to the vestibule of the vagina and the internal surface of the labia minora (Testut and Latarjet, 1972; Standring, 2008; Puppo, 2011a)."
"Anatomy and physiology of the clitoris, vestibular bulbs, and labia minora with a review of the female orgasm and the prevention of female sexual dysfunction." Clinical Anatomy. 2013 Jan; 26(1): 134-52. doi:10.1002/ca.22177. (PMID 23169570)

"As a result of their similar embryological origins, the clitoris and the penis are homologous in much of their anatomy. The dominant difference between the two organs is the lack of fusion of the urogenital folds, so the urethra does not pass down the body of the clitoral glans (Puppo, 2011). Furthermore, the body of the glans clitoris is surrounded by a fibrous tunica albuginea (Toesca et al., 1996; Shih et al., 2013), which is absent from the glans penis."
"Anatomy of the clitoris and the female sexual response." Clinical Anatomy. 2015 Apr; 28(3): 376-84. doi:10.1002/ca.22524. (PMID 25727497)

"urogenital folds
derived from the cloacal folds; in male embryos, they close over the urethral plate and fuse to form the spongy urethra and ventral aspect of the penis; in female embryos, the unfused urogenital folds develop into the labia minora."

United States the american gymcel Anchorage, Alaska  No.3089213 

ok I've looked at that pic so many times and always thought "why does she have a ridge of scar tissue jagging her anus??"

France the french bougie Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3089223 

Indeed. Presumably plenty of others have thought something similar about that image. And yet it's been present in that article for years and still persists (as do those additional flaws that were pointed out for other articles).

United States the american patrik fridén Anchorage, Alaska  No.3089224 

File: 1638514428191.jpg (80.38 KB, 1013x1024, f43d3be8620226ef5a2f237ce9….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Hello! Did you know that you can cheaply and easily manufacture a permablinding laser weapon that will instantly blind targets at ridiculous ranges?

France the french samir34 Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3089225 

Substantial changes were made recently to the text covering logically-fallacious diversionary tactics. The latest version is below.

Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics:
• A red herring is a tangential topic introduced as a distraction. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example.
• An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that at least one supposed attribute of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy could be a better angle.)
• Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something presented—is another form of red herring. Attacking a fabrication as a means to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims with no proof provided may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant, so offering constructive criticism is a good idea.)

It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to divert attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, along with the voluminous amount of information from others, are so much more important than anything about one lone person trying to draw attention to them. Certainly pornography industries would be foolish not to take full advantage of psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already utilize them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.

Luxembourg the luxembourger gamer Bissen, Luxembourg  No.3089309 


Luxembourg the luxembourger milcel Bissen, Luxembourg  No.3089334 

> The text supported by Prolapse & Incontinence has been updated as well.
And again:

• Strong, repeated shear (frictional sliding) force in the anal canal is likely to permanently damage supporting tissue of the internal hemorrhoidal cushions at the least, leading to internal hemorrhoidal prolapse (progressively worsening with cumulative damage from repeated trauma). Damage to one or more of the internal hemorrhoidal cushions elicits no pain sensation due to their lack of somatic innervation. As healthy internal and external anal cushions help to maintain fecal continence with a watertight seal, anal canal deformation due to their disease or removal can result in fecal incontinence (FI). Furthermore, pulling or traction on nerves in the anorectal region can potentially lead to neuropathy and associated FI.

• Internal rectal prolapse (IRP), aka rectal intussusception, is a common finding among asymptomatic individuals. Strong, repeated shear force in the rectum probably does contribute to development of full-thickness external rectal prolapse (aka procidentia) particularly when IRP is present. Internal hemorrhoidal prolapse—among other conditions—also may contribute to rectal prolapse development. FI can be a consequence of rectal prolapse as well.

• Stretching the anal canal with girthy insertions is likely to disrupt or fragment one or both anal sphincter muscles, possibly without pain as the internal anal sphincter muscle also lacks somatic innervation. Such damage results in permanent muscle weakening and is associated with FI especially with a damaged or dysfunctional puborectalis muscle. Stretching the anal canal repeatedly with insertions of progressively increasing circumference may cause cumulative muscle damage.

• Trauma—including anoreceptive trauma—can instigate development of numerous other anorectal conditions that may lead to FI, such as a fistula. Additionally, surgical treatment for anorectal conditions can contribute to development of FI.

[Medical references: Prolapse & Incontinence]

Luxembourg the luxembourger hairline Bissen, Luxembourg  No.3089335 

The "decadence" paste has been updated as well. Most importantly it defines anorectal violence just like the older "justice" paste, so now it can stand on its own. I'm not too happy with the wording though (I'm still trying to fit each individual paste into 2000 bytes maximum for perhaps-silly legacy reasons; I no longer post on a certain site that has/had that as the limit for a single post).

United Kingdom the british smell London, England  No.3089469 

File: 1641359248503.pdf (44.57 KB, reddit bullshit & omission.pdf)

> I was sidetracked by other matters, so that [creating another compilation on Palindrome Day (20211202)] probably won't happen now. If there are any significant issues with the 2021/11 compilation, then I'll probably discover them on my own eventually.
I've discovered a few issues that I consider to be significant (albeit later than I had hoped), so expect a new references compilation soon.
> reddit bullshit & omission.pdf
Here is the latest version. I've noticed that sometimes archive snapshots seem to disappear especially on archive.today (and I have not rechecked all of the ones that are included, although I did create most if not all of the referenced snapshots—so they did exist at some point). If anyone would like a PDF snapshot of one or more of the included URLs, just ask; I believe I have a complete collection. Feel free to ask for an explanation as to why something has been included as well.
> New material continues to appear on /r/sex that is suitable for inclusion in "reddit bullshit & omission." Somehow I very strongly doubt we'll see many (or even ANY) bans of people on that subreddit for spreading health misinformation/disinformation — at least and especially where anorectal matters are concerned…
There seemed to be an uptick in health misinformation/disinformation (some of which easily constitutes "falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader") at least on /r/sex back in December. Moreover, all of the mentioned subreddits with violent pornography still exist as of this post. Who exactly at Reddit is responsible for enforcing those rules that were quoted? They ought to be held accountable for failing to enforce them (or very selectively enforcing them).

France the french house burner Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3089512 

The new compilation is finished. More extensive changes are planned; I intend to take my time working on them.
- [T&A] Dropped 10.1007/s10508-014-0365-4 & 10.1521/jaap.2008.36.4.593 & the Time news article
- [T&A] Added 10.1071/SH14225
- [AR2] Dropped 10.1016/j.cgh.2012.12.020 & reintroduced a paragraph from Coloproctology (2008) - Pages 13-14

Anorectal Trends, Risks, and Anatomy compilation 20220111 https://web.archive.org/web/202201/https://paste2.org/OpbWwyZ6 or https://archive.is/2022-01/https://pst.moe/paste/okjzql

> 10.1521/jaap.2008.36.4.593

I really, _really_ did not want to drop that study. It had to be cut due to a new policy of mine; I am trying to be much stricter about what I include.
> There seemed to be an uptick in health misinformation/disinformation (some of which easily constitutes "falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader") at least on /r/sex back in December.
That problem seems to be accelerating. I already have _fourteen_ new candidates for rb&o this month. Those subreddits devoted to violent pornography still exist as well despite the blatant violation of Reddit's policy on violent content. People at many levels of Reddit are 1) facilitating the spread of—and in some cases even PRODUCING*—harmful misinformation/disinformation (one could perhaps call it propaganda) along with 2) enabling criminal violence. I do hope that some out there are keeping track of all those people who are involved and should be held accountable for justice: by any means necessary.

* That applies to at least one moderator on /r/sex for instance.

France the french newfag Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3089660 


United States the american avian Phoenix, Arizona  No.3089683 

The text at the top of "reddit bullshit & omission" has been updated:

Examples from Reddit—mostly from the /r/sex subreddit—of misinformation or disinformation typically being upvoted and going unchallenged, along with examples of omission (e.g. no one pointing out the possibility of a preexisting condition, saying something like “doing that is a bad idea,” mentioning the extreme danger of "rough" anal intercourse/insertions — including potential lethality plus likely criminality when more than one person is involved, etc.), can be seen in subreddit threads referenced below. All of the original URLs should be archived on archive.today and/or web.archive.org (and some of the threads, or at least the original posts, no longer are present on Reddit; archive snapshots sometimes disappear as well). Notably, Reddit’s /r/sex subreddit has enshrined the “sex-positive” bias into its posting rules.

United States the american cal Phoenix, Arizona  No.3089896 


United States the american naked wtf Phoenix, Arizona  No.3090126 

> I think I need to become much noisier ("spammier"). What I've been doing—for about fifteen years no less—is obviously insufficient.
For better or worse, I'm starting that. (Worse? I doubt things could get any worse, so for the better I'd say.)

Sweden the swedish einor hugji Goeteborg, Vastra Gotalands lan  No.3090130 

I'm unfollowing this thread

Luxembourg the luxembourger rex's owner Bissen, Luxembourg  No.3090161 

/r/pain was banned due to being unmoderated. Meanwhile the others remain, and the paste has been updated:

>Reddit /r/painal

Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of 2022/03/27] persist nonetheless: /r/Roughanal /r/DegradingHoles /r/analfisting

* "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people"

(Notable addition made in September of 2021: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule.")

The subreddits mentioned above—among others—encourage, glorify, and possibly even incite some violent erotic behaviors which should easily be considered severely criminal everywhere when more than one person is involved (at the very least for potentially-lethal outcomes/sequelae). Should people at high levels of Reddit not be held accountable for this and more, perhaps by any means necessary — especially when some of those obviously-policy-violating subreddits have been pointed out as such FOR MANY YEARS at least by myself? (Note: This IS NOT a call for censorship, but rather for enforcement of existing policy. If people do not wish to enforce said policy at least for those subreddits, then it should be eliminated entirely or changed such that it no longer applies to them. Of course, an argument could still be made that the persistence of the mentioned and similarly policy-violating subreddits is promoting criminal violence, therefore they should be censored for that reason.)

France the french schizo Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3090201 

File: 1649028429046.pdf (49.62 KB, reddit bullshit & omission.pdf)

Here is the 2022/03 edition of "reddit bullshit & omission." It probably is the last one that will reference archive.today (among other domains for the same site) due to its use of CloudFlare. For every included original URL I'll be checking for at least one usable snapshot on archive.org, and dropping any without.

Rationale: CloudFlare is rather Tor- and privacy-hostile (it could also be argued that it's security-hostile due to requiring JS for validation and how it functions essentially as a MITM for sites behind it). ADT now is using the company's services as well, presumably involving payment to CF. This has been a long time coming; CF accepting money from the likes of the ADT people (and really being involved with them in any way) is merely the last straw.

Poland the polish scaly Warsaw, Mazowieckie  No.3090202 

File: 1649028633732.png (313.66 KB, 1120x870, anal insanity 20190115.png) ImgOps Google

That's AdultDVDTalk. Here is some context, since I didn't post any of my "anal insanity" images in this thread previously.

Canada the canadian pepe garrison Montreal, Quebec  No.3090258 

On my todo list:
- Maybe try to work something like this into the Wikipedia critique: The fact that such major flaws in important articles have been present for so long calls into question both the factuality and the impartiality of everything on Wikipedia.

I may not be able to do so while retaining the 2000 byte maximum. I'll probably have to either go above that (perhaps-silly legacy) limit or leave out some potentially-important detail(s). The latest revision is below.

As of 2022/04/18 several related English Wikipedia articles for many years have had major & inexcusable flaws. Among them:
• The "human anus" article has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Biological human females normally lack an evident midline perineal raphe, or seamlike union/ridge, in the anogenital region; as the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them, embryologically it does not promote formation of an obvious, raised seam as it may in biological males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the "perineal raphe" article suggests otherwise involving fusion of urogenital folds, which normally doesn't occur in biological females[1].
• The "simple columnar epithelium" article explains neither its fragility nor (at least in the anorectal region) absence of somatic innervation.

The "anal sex" article …
• lacks neutrality by giving the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions. It doesn't present even one _scientific_ opposing perspective, such as this: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short- and long-term health risks to a receptive person.
• fails to mention the normalization of injurious anorectal violence in pornography featuring real people.
• does not disambiguate the term "hemorrhoid," which can refer to pathology or normal anatomy. Anoreceptive activity can both cause hemorrhoidal disease and worsen an existing case.
• contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature: "natural" is not necessarily good or desirable, nor is "unnatural" necessarily the inverse.

Those flaws have been contributing for far too long to rampant anorectal violence along with misinformation facilitating it.

1. Clinical Anatomy. 2013 Jan; 26(1): 134-52. doi:10.1002/ca.22177. (PMID 23169570)

United States Anus and rectum violence is go Willow, Alaska  No.3090262 +1 

Anus and rectum violence is good

Canada the canadian leafcuck Beauharnois, Quebec  No.3090275 

This seems like a good time to post my "recap" paste:

• Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—involving a combination of rapid thrusting, a girthy penis/object, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide. It is impossible for resultant anal and rectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology.
• Widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, misinformation, and disinformation are facilitating rampant anorectal violence.
• People with (self-)destructive inclinations, some affiliated with pornography companies, are having a field day with anorectal violence and spreading disinformation. This is contributing greatly to societal decay, aka decadence.
• Watching violent pornography can have numerous effects on some viewers (including inspiring them to the point of emulation, even using coercion).
• Pornography is being used as a substitute for sexual education in some cases.
• There are, or most certainly should be, criminal implications for people who perpetrate anorectal violence against one or more others. Furthermore, various factors on their own or combined can in some regions (and anywhere else definitely should) invalidate consent from a legal perspective; these include the possibility or actual result of serious injury, use of a strong mind-altering drug, and the presence of a significant mental disorder such as a severe case of sexual masochism disorder.

Canada the canadian meat toilet Montreal, Quebec  No.3090381 


France the french blöndal Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3090843 

File: 1657076218313.pdf (30.96 KB, reddit bullshit & omission.pdf)

> Here is the 2022/03 edition of "reddit bullshit & omission." It probably is the last one that will reference archive.today (among other domains for the same site) due to its use of CloudFlare. For every included original URL I'll be checking for at least one usable snapshot on archive.org, and dropping any without.
The 2022/06 edition is done (attached). More work may be needed; if any issues are noticed then please let me know.

United States the american admin Phoenix, Arizona  No.3091182 

File: 1665043340795.pdf (34.35 KB, reddit bullshit & omission.pdf)

2022/09 edition

Canada the canadian bluepilled cuck Montreal, Quebec  No.3091612 

File: 1675750457029.pdf (39.8 KB, reddit bullshit & omission.pdf)

Here's the latest, not that anyone else out there seems to care.

>biden & harris corruption.pdf
> I am sorely tempted to set off some "fireworks" soon (not here, of course, being a bro). Can anyone give me some reasons as to why I should not? They should be very, _very_ convincing reasons; it seems to me that no one is actually listening, so perhaps advocating for violent justice along with assassination of corrupt politicians (particularly ones who failed to dispense justice in relation to the topics covered here, along with anyone who … "promoted" them e.g. in Biden's case, who's quite corrupt himself besides) will have an actual, observable effect…
It's been about a year since I made that post. Coincidentally, Biden's State of the Union Address is today.

And no, I'm not a fan of Russia nor China. They're extremely shitty as well (pun intended).

Canada the canadian pilotboy Montreal, Quebec  No.3091613 

1. The date numbers are transposed.
2. That was 2021 to boot.

I'm an idiot sometimes. Ah well.

France the french cuckservative Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3091623 

I wrote elsewhere about reframing "my opinions and judgments (e.g. "should" and "must") as rationales, especially with an eye toward societal effects & decadence: If something is not done, then … [Looked at objectively:] If perpetrators of significant anorectal violence against one or more others—especially those whose violence inspires countless viewers—are not severely punished, then …" That has been done for the "justice" paste. Here is the new 202302 edition:

Pornography industries worldwide have normalized violence that has inspired generations and could easily be considered objectively criminal when more than one person is involved. Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant in pornography and also far too common outside of it, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation; it is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. This is one of the greatest injustices of modern times.

Violent pornography can have numerous effects on many viewers, including inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and promoting development of related (self-)destructive mental pathologies including sexual sadism and sexual masochism disorders [References: Trends & Associations]. People with such inclinations are having a field day spreading disinformation and engaging particularly in anorectal violence: unrestrained hedonism contributing greatly to societal decadence.

This is occurring because the vast majority of humanity likely never will highly value the good health of at least another person's anus; far too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters even though the anus is one of our most important body parts. That is why rampant anorectal violence probably shall neither end nor cease inspiring countless people—including some to the point of emulation—unless it is demonstrated, perhaps by any means necessary, that perpetrators of such violence against one or more others _will_ face severe, life-altering or even life-ending consequences — just as any receptive person involved may (and many do) experience healthwise.

Canada the canadian shemale Montreal, Quebec  No.3091982 

That has now been done for the "decadence" paste as well, below.

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant, constituting one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today:
• Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that arguably should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved (at the very least for potentially-lethal outcomes/sequelae). Perpetrators of this violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is potentially-incriminating evidence being sold for profit and inspiring countless viewers.
• Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing greatly to societal decay. Far too many people neither wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would much rather focus on some other (in many cases far less dangerous) kind of erotic abuse.
• Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for those who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. Since the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution.

Rampant anorectal violence is a product of societal decadence and contributes back to it: This is called a positive feedback loop.

France the french faggot gay homo Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3092503 

File: 1707349381528.png (1007.1 KB, 2560x4096, trends & associations.png) ImgOps Google

> Anorectal Trends, Risks, and Anatomy compilation 20220111
A new 20240111 edition is now available: https://pst.moe/paste/pyokco or https://paste2.org/pjAjsgB7

Here's the list of changes:
- [T&A] Dropped 10.1071/SH14225 & PMID 30461344 & 10.1016/j.chb.2019.01.024 & PMID 25466233 & 10.1002/car.1092 & https://www.medicinenet.com/sexual_masochism/definition.htm
- [T&A] Added 10.1177/1059840514563313 & PMC4810035 & 10.1177/2374623816668275 & PMC8474329 & reintroduced 10.1111/jcom.12201 & 10.1002/ejp.662 & https://greymattersjournal.org/masochism/
- [T&A] Changed the parenthetical date format for one news article
- [AR1] Added 10.1007/s10350-004-6252-7 & 10.1016/j.mcna.2007.12.004
- [AR2] Dropped PMC4541538 & PMID 21805112 & PMC214027 & PMC5364439
- [AR2] Added 10.1007/s003840100325 & 10.1086/380838 & PMC7035412 & 10.1016/S0140-6736(99)01306-9 & PMC7392573
- [AR3] Dropped PMC2780055
- [AR3] Added PMC5728226 & Rectal Cancer: New Frontiers in Diagnosis, Treatment, and Rehabilitation (2005) - Page 109
- [P&I] Added 10.1007/s10620-020-06394-0 & 10.1007/s00384-019-03439-3

Pending changes for the next edition:
- [AR2] Added two "[diseased]" clarifiers for hemorrhoidal disease to what was quoted from PMC7392573

France the french pizza Roubaix, Hauts-de-France  No.3092504 

File: 1707349541592.png (872.51 KB, 2560x4096, anorectal risks 2.png) ImgOps Google

AR2, attached, and P&I now support (via 10.1007/s003840100325 and 10.1007/s00384-019-03439-3) the assertion that at least internal anal sphincter (IAS) damage has been reported as a result of insertion of a 40mm / 4cm / 1.57 inch rectoscope during transanal endoscopic microsurgery. A study added to AR1, 10.1007/s10350-004-6252-7, suggests that the duration of the procedure may be a factor as well.

Here's the updated summary supported by Prolapse & Incontinence:
• Strong frictional sliding (aka shear) in the anal canal is likely to permanently damage supporting tissues of the internal hemorrhoidal cushions at the least, leading to internal hemorrhoidal prolapse (progressively worsening with cumulative damage). Injury to one or more of the internal hemorrhoidal cushions elicits no pain sensation due to an absence of somatic innervation. Because healthy internal and external anal cushions help to maintain fecal continence with a watertight seal, anal canal deformation due to their disease or removal can result in fecal incontinence (FI). Furthermore, pulling or traction on nerves in the anorectal region can lead to neuropathy and associated FI.

• Internal rectal prolapse (IRP), aka rectal intussusception, is a common finding among asymptomatic individuals. Strong, repeated frictional sliding in the rectum probably does contribute to development of full-thickness external rectal prolapse (aka procidentia) particularly when IRP is present. Internal hemorrhoidal prolapse—among other conditions—also may contribute to rectal prolapse development. FI can be a consequence of rectal prolapse as well.

• Stretching the anal canal with girthy insertions is likely to disrupt or fragment one or both anal sphincter muscles, possibly without pain as the internal anal sphincter muscle also lacks somatic innervation. Such damage, which has been reported after insertions merely 4 cm wide, results in permanent muscle weakening and is associated with FI especially with a damaged or dysfunctional puborectalis muscle. Stretching the anal canal repeatedly with insertions of progressively increasing circumference may cause cumulative muscle injury.

• Trauma—including anoreceptive trauma—can instigate development of numerous other anorectal conditions that may lead to FI, such as a fistula. Additionally, surgical treatment for anorectal conditions can contribute to development of FI.

Singapore the singaporean beanchad Singapore, Singapore  No.3092919 

>Bronnen will be shutting down.
That's disappointing, but not surprising in the least.

I'll miss this place. I appreciate the lack of censorship of this Anal Avenger material I post: I've experienced censorship of it on far too many other places, not to mention false labels such as "spam" among other forms of administrative hostility.

Take care, Bronnen team, and thank you!

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