trillwaukee New York City, New York No.3085204 +4
>don't you know that the earth completing its orbit around the sun has no astronomical significance?
the american behindert Mount Laurel, New Jersey No.3085205 +5
>the earth orbits the sun
trillwaukee New York City, New York No.3085206 +2
>>3085205>it's a meaningless holiday, it could be on any day and it wouldn't be different
the albanian elagabalus Tirana, Tirane No.3085209 +5
it's funny because you are the personification of the soy face through your mindless consumerism, wacky(thats not me retard)
trillwaukee New York City, New York No.3085211 +12
>>3085209hi are you new? there are 2 milwaukee posters, used to be 3 on yli
the german unkel Unterschonau, Thuringen No.3085212 +1
the american janitor Mount Laurel, New Jersey No.3085265 +7
bump so people can laugh at edgemaster some more
the albanian chad Tirana, Tirane No.3085266 +1
>>3085265I laugh @ ur weight
the german cam fapper Hanover, Niedersachsen No.3085267 +5
^ oof that's a mad bitch if I've ever seen one!
the albanian hewat Tirana, Tirane No.3085272 +1
>>3085267no1 likes u and u have 0 self-awareness
the german simian Berlin, Berlin No.3085273
>>3085209futa mod: I must defend the honor of my ylisona by utilizing my well earned mod powers
the german altshiter Hanover, Niedersachsen No.3085275
sharter Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de No.3085281