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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

File: 1609469263456.jpg (10.21 KB, 260x194, soyboy.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

United States trillwaukee New York City, New York  No.3085204 +4 

>don't you know that the earth completing its orbit around the sun has no astronomical significance?

United States the american behindert Mount Laurel, New Jersey  No.3085205 +5 

File: 1609469445991.png (71.11 KB, 247x220, 1562713075147.png) ImgOps Google

>the earth orbits the sun

United States trillwaukee New York City, New York  No.3085206 +2 

File: 1609469663831.gif (525.85 KB, 644x800, soy.gif) ImgOps Google

>it's a meaningless holiday, it could be on any day and it wouldn't be different

Albania the albanian elagabalus Tirana, Tirane  No.3085209 +5 

it's funny because you are the personification of the soy face through your mindless consumerism, wacky(thats not me retard)

United States trillwaukee New York City, New York  No.3085211 +12 

hi are you new? there are 2 milwaukee posters, used to be 3 on yli

Germany the german unkel Unterschonau, Thuringen  No.3085212 +1 

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United States the american janitor Mount Laurel, New Jersey  No.3085265 +7 

bump so people can laugh at edgemaster some more

Albania the albanian chad Tirana, Tirane  No.3085266 +1 

I laugh @ ur weight

Germany the german cam fapper Hanover, Niedersachsen  No.3085267 +5 

^ oof that's a mad bitch if I've ever seen one!

Albania the albanian hewat Tirana, Tirane  No.3085272 +1 

no1 likes u and u have 0 self-awareness

Germany the german simian Berlin, Berlin  No.3085273 

futa mod: I must defend the honor of my ylisona by utilizing my well earned mod powers

Germany the german altshiter Hanover, Niedersachsen  No.3085275 

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Spain sharter Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de  No.3085281 

1 ball

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