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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

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Finland the finnish kcirclejerker Ypaja, Kanta-Hame  No.3085165 


Entire Money supply of the world doubled because of THE FLU

Finland the finnish mammal Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa  No.3085166 +1 

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It's called fractional reserve banking the bills alone are a small small portion of the entire money supply

ameri gdp alone is $20T

Germany the german opfer Berlin, Berlin  No.3085167 +1 

"I'm a foreigner from the internet and know more about national economics than the president of the us and his advisors"

Finland the finnish bearmode Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3085170 

never said that drumpftard. And EU is de facto USAnian.


no u retard. Put on ur cuck muzzle

so ur saying that if everyone withdrew their coronabux it would cause a bankrun to drain the entire US reserve.

Germany the german livebunkerer Berlin, Berlin  No.3085172 

You were

Also, EU like the US? I wish.

Finland the finnish funny cat Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa  No.3085173 

if they withdrew their stim stim fyrkkas in cash then yes

Finland the finnish thirster Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3085176 

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Let's print more money and make everyone rich

Finland the finnish mammal Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3085177 

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EU IS the US. Major General Gerd-Helmut Jomossa in his book, Die Deutsche Karte, confirmed that a secret agreement, the geheimer staatsvertrag, was signed with the US that it would have total control over German media until 2099. The US "came to Europe as conquerors, to stay forever"

Germany the german lumpenprole Hanover, Niedersachsen  No.3085178 

lol do you actually believe that?

Finland the finnish telejerker Tornio, Lappi  No.3085186 

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Yes. Why else are there US troops still in Europe for a war that concluded 76 years ago, with all of the symbols related to it being banned? Europe is an American colony and was perfectly capable of keeping the Russians out on their own before the Americans got involved.

Germany the german autist Berlin, Berlin  No.3085187 +2 

You're a nutjob and I'm not talking homosex

Germany the german hideloc american Berlin, Berlin  No.3085191 

you know that banks all around the world are taking the dollar as a reserve currency?

Finland the finnish african american Pyhtaa, Kymenlaakso  No.3085192 

The drugs have fried your brain retard

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