the british albert einstein Enfield, England No.3084804 +3
Kill all n-words and trannies.
the bangladeshi minimum wage Dhaka, Dhaka No.3084809
the british bearmode Bristol, England No.3084838
I'm a girl named Rebecca Edinburgh, Scotland No.3084840 +2
censor n-word but not tranny
lol just lol
the italian rex's owner Milan, Lombardia No.3084842
cia cowboy!yHewato8KQ Edinburgh, Scotland No.3084845 +1
>>3084842I am cheery, italo-n-word
Rolled d20-1. Result: 0.
cia cowboy!yHewato8KQ Edinburgh, Scotland No.3084846
I forgot bronnen censors n i g g e r
Rolled d20-1. Result: 11.
Joonas San Jose, California No.3084849 +1
the german bronze gentleman Berlin, Berlin No.3084873
the australian bearmode Brisbane, Queensland No.3084915