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Finland JFK Assassination puzzle solved by me once and for all the finnish cam fapper Espoo, Uusimaa  No.3084642 +3 

The proof that it was a conspiracy lies in the fact that the Zapruder tape shows that Kennedy was shot fatally from the front, while the Warren commission said that Oswald shot from the rear. This proves that there were multiple shooters, i.e a conspiracy. The "magic bullet" clearly demonstrates that there were multiple shooters too, and a government coverup as it was intact despite supposedly going through bone.
>Kennedy clearly shot from the front in Zapruder tape https://youtu.be/2nmGS8rVuIM?t=213
<Lying government jews say he was shot from behind

Kennedy pushed for Dimona nuclear site in Israel to be investigated, and he wanted AIPAC to register as a foreign org. This was intolerable to Jews. Furthermore, Jack Ruby, the Jew who shot Oswald, said that he did it for the sake of Israel, and he threw a hooker on the side of the road the night before Kennedy was shot. In the hospital she told the nurse that Jack Ruby was part of a conspiracy to kill the president, and identified him in a photograph to police BEFORE kennedy was shot. This proves that the Israelis had foreknowledge of the event. https://www.bitchute.com/video/gto5ITk07K5J/

3.Power hungry LBJ,sponsored by Jews since the 40s,disregarded the USS Liberty incident, simultaneously sending 50000 US soldiers to die in Vietnam over the Gulf of Tonkin incident, a fierce Zionist and differed from JFK in many foreign policy issues, including Cuba/Vietnam. It wasnt in the interest of the military-industrial complex to have an early end to the cold war, it wasnt in the interest of Israelis to have a principled non-zionist JFK in the white house. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79lOKs0Kr_Y

3. The Israeli mob, Oswald, Cuban anti-communists were all working together with the CIA for years prior to the assassination. When arrested, Oswald yelled that he was a patsy and the details of the Assassination prove it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSw9sjqYK_I


In summary, it was a joint conspiracy between The Jewish World Mafia acting in tandem with LBJ, anti-castro cubans, the CIA, and the Warhawkish military-industrial complex that was still infuriated over the lack of air support in the Bay of Pigs invasion and Kennedy's weak action in Vietnam. Allen Dulles (CIA Director deposed by Kennedy prior to the assassination, an unprecedented move at the time), Richard Helms, Jack Ruby (ofc), David Ben-Gurion (who resigned due to Kennedy's pressure to investigate Dimona), Levi Eshkol (who was also pressured by Kennedy to allow Dimona investigation immediately after Ben-Gurion resigned, infuriating him), David Ferrie, Clay Shaw are among the known names to have had a hand in the organization of the shooting.

Finland the finnish soya dad Espoo, Uusimaa  No.3084647 +1 


Finland the finnish chino Oulu, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa  No.3084732 +1 


Belarus the belarusian spscarter Vyerkhnyadzvinsk, Vitsyebskaya voblasts'  No.3084735 


Finland the finnish avian Tampere, Pirkanmaa  No.3084810 

go back 2 kc

Belarus the belarusian ostrobothnia Vyerkhnyadzvinsk, Vitsyebskaya voblasts'  No.3084825 

Finland the finnish avian Ypaja, Kanta-Hame  No.3084826 

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Italy the italian radan Milan, Lombardia  No.3084827 +1 

i think this thread should be pinned

Belarus the belarusian livebunkerer Vyerkhnyadzvinsk, Vitsyebskaya voblasts'  No.3084860 

Finland the finnish hideloc american Espoo, Uusimaa  No.3084861 

go back 2 kc

Belarus the belarusian tyson mike Vyerkhnyadzvinsk, Vitsyebskaya voblasts'  No.3084863 

Finland the finnish 4channer Espoo, Uusimaa  No.3084865 

go back 2 kc

Belarus the belarusian chino Vyerkhnyadzvinsk, Vitsyebskaya voblasts'  No.3084946 

Finland the finnish bulge noticer Tornio, Lappi  No.3084949 

go back 2 kc

Belarus the belarusian chadcel Vyerkhnyadzvinsk, Vitsyebskaya voblasts'  No.3084959 

Canada the canadian blöndal Beauharnois, Quebec  No.3084962 +1 

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if roy had been driving

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