the american lolicon Columbus, Indiana No.3084417 +1
im 25 yo autist neet manchild with no skills, experience, or much of an education (hs diploma)
is it over, bros?
the american beanchad Southaven, Mississippi No.3084419 +5
it's not really over till late 20s
get a skill
the german futacock Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen No.3084420
It's over from the start
the american roy orbison Atlanta, Georgia No.3084447
>>3084419>it's not really over till late 20s
the albanian edgemaster Tirana, Tirane No.3084465 +2
>>3084419Solomon Carter? More like Solomon Coper.
the american hairline Southaven, Mississippi No.3084468 +6
the albanian tranny Tirana, Tirane No.3084478
>>3084468blown the fuck out!
Thrillwaukee New York City, New York No.3084506 +1
you are a neet, you probably have an open schedule, lots of call centers and warehouses would like that. it's a good work experience.
you can learn a trade and have an in demand skill.
just don't be like you know who and be buying a gaming laptop with your first paycheck or hitting any traffic cones.
the american kekistani Orlando, Florida No.3084512
>>3084506i make almost $80k/yr trucking now and you're still making traffic cone jokes :)
Thrillwaukee New York City, New York No.3084514 +4
>>3084512you should use that money to buy your grandma a new house
the american hideloc american Orlando, Florida No.3084523
>>3084514i did :)
enjoy your poverty, loser
Thrillwaukee New York City, New York No.3084535 +1
>>3084523don't spend it all on some fancy pizza.
that's about the most truckers make though right?
the american kekistani Orlando, Florida No.3084537
>>3084535company drivers yeah
but I'm thinkgen about becoming an owner-operator eventually
Treat Boy Olivette, Missouri No.3084549 +3
the american roy Orlando, Florida No.3084566
I'm home 1 day a week so far but yea it is like 60+ hours of work in those 6 days I'm out
I got really lucky getting with a good small company that pays very well
it's not typical for someone with as little experience as me to make this much
the dutch shemale Amsterdam, Noord-Holland No.3084603
the german autistic shoes Munich, Bayern No.3084621
I am a forever NEET on welfare.
Socialist EU, fuck yeah
the american normalfag Southaven, Mississippi No.3084631 +2