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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

File: 1605091928895.mp4 (4.7 MB, 432x448, VID_20201111_125115_875.mp4) ImgOps Google

Finland the finnish haraldúr Tampere, Pirkanmaa  No.3083886 +1 

Finland the finnish speedrunner Tampere, Pirkanmaa  No.3083914 


Germany the german hairline Berlin, Berlin  No.3083920 +5 

ameri: *goes bankrupt over a broken leg* I'm fine with that!
also ameri: *is asked to pay a small tax every month so no one has to worry about paying for health services* OMG FUCKING COMMUNOLISM TAXES R THEFT!

Germany the german täby Leipzig, Sachsen  No.3083921 

every word is true

holy crap someone else posted while i wrote my post, bronnen is on fire today

United States the american drumpf Las Vegas, Nevada  No.3083922 

boomer tier

Finland the finnish milcel Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3083938 

So basically youre a nazi as you concede cultural and racial confusion is bad but you still think socialist policies should look after the nation. Nazis had socialized healthcare. Yet u call Drumpf a nazi to deter him, seems you only want Aryan societies to collapse as you are not an Aryan yourself

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