the finnish bougie Tornio, Lappi No.3083588
respects to master sarnoga … my palms are sweating and i'm shaking … just to realize how quickly his teenie weenie curse is working.
i didn't really think it through before i listened to the file. famous last words? the idea reminded me of an old fantasy of mine and i thought i'd check it out … i didn't even listen all the way through!
two weeks ago i had a pretty big cock … 7"+ long by 6" around. today i've been edging for hours to get a really firm erection, and the biggest it gets is … get this … 5"! i can't believe i've lost 2" of my manhood in two weeks!! and i've also lost about an inch in girth! wtf?! i really had no idea it would just work … like this. how long do i have left? if i keep shrinking at this rate… maybe a month before all i've got is an "angry inch!!"
i don't have money for a curse reversal right now. i don't even see one for the teenie weenie curse listed on the site! wtf am i supposed to do!? the weird part is, i'm kinda falling in love with idea of having a teenie weenie. i feel ambivalent about even reversing the curse. the creepy part is, i know the "me" i was two weeks ago, would never have been cool with this. no fucking way dude! i have been an avid pussy fucker for fifteen years!! no chick is gonna wanna fuck me after another month! holy fucking shit WTF!!!!???!
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Joined: July 22nd, 2011, 12:00 am