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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

Denmark pomfritteren Lynge, Hovedstaden  No.3083102 

What a surprise; you're still here. Oh wait. That's not surprising at all. Surprise is the wrong word. Sad. It is sad that you're still here. As in your mother would be sad to see this or your state of being is in sad shape. I'm not sad, however. I am completely disinterested at this point. This is entirely what I was expecting, so I can't really be disappointed anymore now can I? I'd check to see if you've grown roots by now and anchored yourself to this place but I don't want to get too close. Nobody knows for sure but I've heard incompetence can be transmitted by close contact. Not taking any chance whatever you've got might be contagious. It's definitely some sort of disease you've got there. Gee, I wonder where it could have possibly came from? Who would have thought that by hanging around idiots the stupidity would flake off and infect you. Me. I'm the one who told you that. Don't you remember? Or has the stupid melted your brain yet? You weren't using it much so maybe you think it's no great loss. Although not thinking is how you ended up here in the first place. But staying definitely proved your undoing. What kind of moron decides that this is the kind of place they are going to hang out in? You should have known it was all going to turn out horrible for you but you wanted to stay and look at all the dumb pictures. Well I hope you are happy. That was me being rhetorical, I know you aren't happy. You don't deserve to be happy. Happy, well adjusted, sensible people don't come here. Just losers, idiots and fools. Good company for you now. You finally fit in with your peers at least. So you can just stay and deteriorate until there's a shoddy pile of you on the floor for the winds to scatter. Idiots to ashes and dirt to dirt, or whatever the saying is. You know it still might not be too late to turn things around- wait I forgot who I was talking to for a moment. I'm leaving. You're staying. I'd say goodbye but why bother?

United States the american kid sucker Peachtree City, Georgia  No.3083103 

shut up idiot

Denmark pomfritteren Lynge, Hovedstaden  No.3083104 

What a surprise; you're still here. Oh wait. That's not surprising at all. Surprise is the wrong word. Sad. It is sad that you're still here. As in your mother would be sad to see this or your state of being is in sad shape. I'm not sad, however. I am completely disinterested at this point. This is entirely what I was expecting, so I can't really be disappointed anymore now can I? I'd check to see if you've grown roots by now and anchored yourself to this place but I don't want to get too close. Nobody knows for sure but I've heard incompetence can be transmitted by close contact. Not taking any chance whatever you've got might be contagious. It's definitely some sort of disease you've got there. Gee, I wonder where it could have possibly came from? Who would have thought that by hanging around idiots the stupidity would flake off and infect you. Me. I'm the one who told you that. Don't you remember? Or has the stupid melted your brain yet? You weren't using it much so maybe you think it's no great loss. Although not thinking is how you ended up here in the first place. But staying definitely proved your undoing. What kind of moron decides that this is the kind of place they are going to hang out in? You should have known it was all going to turn out horrible for you but you wanted to stay and look at all the dumb pictures. Well I hope you are happy. That was me being rhetorical, I know you aren't happy. You don't deserve to be happy. Happy, well adjusted, sensible people don't come here. Just losers, idiots and fools. Good company for you now. You finally fit in with your peers at least. So you can just stay and deteriorate until there's a shoddy pile of you on the floor for the winds to scatter. Idiots to ashes and dirt to dirt, or whatever the saying is. You know it still might not be too late to turn things around- wait I forgot who I was talking to for a moment. I'm leaving. You're staying. I'd say goodbye but why bother?

United States the american naked wtf Houston, Texas  No.3083110 

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