the finnish tree hugger Ilomantsi, Pohjois-Karjala No.3082269
It's impossible to create an email anymore anonymously. If you try to create a protonmail account, it'll ask for a donation, SMS, or other email address in order to get metadata it can use to identify you and sell your data to the NSA which it is legally allowed/forced to do and not inform anybody because of gag orders. Tutanota will block your IP from registering an account if the NSA can't identify you from the metadata you provide.
Basically, tor, encryption, it's all a glow in the dark sham honeypot at this point. They have supercomputers that can blow open your veracrypt triple encryption in less than 1 nanosecond. The governments of the world and their surveillance policies are so consolidated that they know more about you than you know yourself, but they pretend they don't to keep up appearances in the court. There are thousands of cases legal cases daily where the NSA knows the true verdict but they let it slide because it's not in their interest to out the person. I've seen people deal amphetamines in front of police officers here and they turn a blind eye because it's too trivial and insignificant for them to care.
Everyone is out to get you.
the finnish meat toilet Helsinki, Uusimaa No.3082273
Based schizoposter
pard licker Calgary, Alberta No.3082274 +1