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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

Germany the german autist dog Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080738 +9 

i loic't mintboard because its shit lol

Denmark pomfritteren Lynge, Hovedstaden  No.3080739 +5 

welcome to the cringemod team, bro!

Germany the german newfag Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080740 

thank you carl

Canada the canadian leafcuck Beauharnois, Quebec  No.3080744 +2 

File: 1598031467570.jpg (12.28 KB, 409x409, royorbi.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

>i loic't mintboard because its shit lol
solomon sycophancy

Germany the german hacker Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080746 

thank you hcs

Sweden # Stockholm, Stockholms lan  No.3080750 +2 

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Italy the italian lolicon Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna  No.3080753 

shirley why does geoloc say im from piacenza thats like the other side of the country

Germany the german pizza boy Hamburg, Hamburg  No.3080758 


Germany the german aids boy Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080776 +3 

anyway here are the conditions:

- burgecringe has to bring back roy and make him mod
- burgercringe has to bring back ottawa and make her mod
- burgercringe has to ban edgemaster and his proxies and everyone who uses the illyriayn/albanian meme

otherwise the board is history

Italy the italian futanari Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna  No.3080784 

what if we stay here

Germany the german whiny emo faggot Berlin, Berlin  No.3080785 

last point is pure genious

Finland the finnish horsecocker Rauma, Satakunta  No.3080786 

serb as fuck

Turkey the turkish tribute Istanbul, Istanbul  No.3080787 

butthurt serb detected

Finland the finnish scaly Vantaa, Kanta-Hame  No.3080789 

albania will conquer serbia and dominate the balkan space

Sweden the swedish junge Stockholm, Stockholms lan  No.3080790 

File: 1598042847663.mp4 (428.06 KB, 480x480, stfu.mp4) ImgOps Google

epic troll /b/rother

United States the american tranny Chicago, Illinois  No.3080810 

that's epic

Norway Ski, Akershus  No.3080822 


Albania the albanian hetnigger Tirana, Tirane  No.3080839 +1 

say again about albania but this time to my face my bitch

Germany the german faggot gay homo Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080918 

Germany the german staffas sergeant Berlin, Berlin  No.3080919 

again about albania but this time to my face my bitch

Germany the german nippr daemon Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080920 +2 

go back to mintboard

Canada the canadian zinger Beauharnois, Quebec  No.3080921 +3 

File: 1598076982183.jpg (57.13 KB, 736x608, margerine albright.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

business interests

Russian Federation the russian beanchad Moscow, Moskva  No.3080948 

serb detected

Brazil the brazilian pleb Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo  No.3080955 


Germany the german mammal Neu Hacklingen, Niedersachsen  No.3080959 

File: 1598106101409.jpg (12.67 KB, 200x216, 1529765541678-0.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Finland the finnish cal Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3080961 


United States the american drumpf Knoxville, Tennessee  No.3080974 

Whitelist me bitch

Sweden # Goeteborg, Vastra Gotalands lan  No.3080975 

who you

Sweden the swedish autist dog Stockholm, Stockholms lan  No.3080979 


Canada the canadian fat fuck Beauharnois, Quebec  No.3080989 +5 

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>white list
>solomon "roy" cohen

Albania the albanian avian Tirana, Tirane  No.3080993 

Sweden vastra Stockholm, Stockholms lan  No.3081007 

spscarter is a lolcow

or should i say lolhorsecocksucker

Finland saunapekka Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3081022 

just unban everyone

it's not like there's any traffic anyway

Sweden the swedish thirster Stockholm, Stockholms lan  No.3081033 


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