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Turkey the turkish rick Malkara, Tekirdag  No.3080521 +3 

tiny sap sucking insects covered me tiny olive tree its recht macabre

Germany the german anónimus Berlin, Berlin  No.3080522 +3 

suck my sap tizi

Turkey the turkish livebunkerer Malkara, Tekirdag  No.3080531 +5 

tizi did u talk to urself or am i hearing echoes of meself from ur resonating rectum

Germany the german junge Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen  No.3080535 

I cant think of a humorous rebuttal sorry

Norway the norwegian gamergater Orkanger, Sor-Trondelag  No.3080546 

leaf bugs

Norway the norwegian pederast Orkanger, Sor-Trondelag  No.3080547 

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphid you need to spray your tree with dish soap water solution

Germany the german puppy Berlin, Berlin  No.3080556 

>you need to destroy the means of existence for insects
yeah because they aren't dying out fast enough already

Norway the norwegian house burner Orkanger, Sor-Trondelag  No.3080561 

you need to let parasites destroy your plants because muh bugs

United States Treat Boy Gentryville, Indiana  No.3080564 

Germany the german hotshot Berlin, Berlin  No.3080573 

we're the parasites

United States the american anónimus Merrillville, Indiana  No.3080574 

i guess you'll be killing yourself then?

Turkey the turkish hlbk Corlu, Tekirdag  No.3080575 

i was thinken of going to a local agriculture shit store and buy medicine. u thenk soap is enough?

Germany the german house burner Berlin, Berlin  No.3080584 

why would I, I'm not the one saying parasites shouldn't exist.

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