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Jack, knowing that the men who wanted to kill him are well right behind him, urgently climbs aboard a bus who takes him to the town of Salem, Oregon. This is where the someone told him where exactly his uncle lived and worked. Jack might be able to find what happened to his immediate family through his uncle, if he manages to find him.
If he's lucky, he might find out what happened to the men who got him in the hospital.
If he's unlucky, he might find out what happened to him…
Jack finally finds his uncle, Roy, who lives in a shoddy apartment on the outskirts of Salem. Jack checks to see if the men, his enemies, aren't following him and they aren't. Jack knocks the door of his uncle's residence to see if his uncle is there.
His uncle answers the door, and immediately Jack knows he doesn't recognize him. He's older now, he has wrinkles on his face, a mustache and goatee, and he's obese.
> You asks Roy, "Uncle Roy, it's me Jack.. Do you remember me?"
"Jesus, it's you! Jack, come in, come in!" His uncle says. "I can't believe it's you! Jesus Christ, it's good to see you!"
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