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>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

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Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

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Germany the german unkel Berlin, Berlin  No.3079933 +3 

today I arrested someone actually called roy


United States the american virgin Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079934 +5 

for horse thief? hehehehehehehe…

Germany the german gwen Berlin, Berlin  No.3079938 +4 

he was riding his bicycle while being drunk and was annoying and belligerent in general.
does that sound familiar?

United States the american hacker Snellville, Georgia  No.3079940 +4 

no i would never ride a bicycle

United States the american tranny Peachtree City, Georgia  No.3079941 

>being drunk and was annoying and belligerent in general

Idk man that sounds like you

United States the american altshiter Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079942 +1 

yeah dumbass
the reason it doesn't sound familiar is because i wouldn't ride a bicycle
way to make me explain the joke, faggot

United States the american alex jones Peachtree City, Georgia  No.3079943 

it doesn't sound familiar because u were being drunk, annoying and belligerent in general

United States the american kiribati Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079946 

you finished?

Norway the norwegian whiny emo faggot Orkanger, Sor-Trondelag  No.3079959 

fug, bolis?

Russian Federation the russian house burner Pargolovo, Sankt-Peterburg  No.3079963 +5 

fuck you roy

United States the american opfer Snellville, Georgia  No.3079972 

why loathe?

United States the american lolcow Peachtree City, Georgia  No.3079992 

Meet me

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