the finnish joonas Helsinki, Uusimaa No.3079928 +3
rate my sauna decoration, courtesy of the previous owner
doesn't it just make you want to go be a tourist there
secret council corners Hamburg, Hamburg No.3079932
the argentine kid napper Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires No.3079991
how do you buy a sauna
are they mobile or what
the finnish kcbitchboi Helsinki, Uusimaa No.3079993 +2
>>3079991previous owner of the house, I meant
also they can be
the argentine hideloc american Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires No.3080000 +3
>>3079993If I sit my ass on the same sauna spot for years. Does it leave a mark
secret council corners Eschborn, Hessen No.3080005
the finnish nexus seven Helsinki, Uusimaa No.3080008
One of the first things we did when we renovated the house was sand the granny sweat off the bench
the argentine norgebosniak Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires No.3080010 +1
think sanding off an ass mark
the argentine milcel Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires No.3080011 +5
does it look like this when u get up after a long sauna session? ive never been to a sauna
the argentine smell Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires No.3080012 +3
phonecucked and owned Eschborn, Hessen No.3080017 +3
the finnish stablemaster Helsinki, Uusimaa No.3080060 +1
>>3080011I suppose it can, but we usually sit on these towel thingies called laudeliina
the german pmf Berlin, Berlin No.3080079
saunapekka Helsinki, Uusimaa No.3080087 +6
I use kekkonen of course
the german nerd Frankfurt am Main, Hessen No.3080095
the finnish burger flipper Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa No.3080097
the argentine african american (massive cuckold spotted) Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires No.3080098
>>3080087tell me about beers in sauna
the finnish drumpf Tornio, Lappi No.3080113 +1
return to tradition
the finnish douglas Helsinki, Uusimaa No.3080115
>>3080098>go sauna>open a beer>it's cold for a moment>the emptier it is the quicker it gets hot>have to drink it quickly>notice your beer is empty, get another one>become alcoholic
the german amber Frankfurt am Main, Hessen No.3080116
>>3080115just get a realy long straw
the german cuck Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen No.3080118
>>3080116but that way the beer will get even hotter, do you even distill?
t. alchemy pro
the finnish nexus seven Helsinki, Uusimaa No.3080123
>>3080118Leave to the germans to tell you how to drink beer, eh?
the german african american Berlin, Berlin No.3080126
>>3080123Nah I just pointed out the flaw in his thinking.
As long as you drink beer at all it's fine.
the swedish white boy Stockholm, Stockholms lan No.3089798