the finnish hotshot Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa No.3079850 +9
I took my fursuit to a local tailor and she started laughing.
Pika Girl in the Poké World Manchester, England No.3079851
Treat Boy Saint Louis, Missouri No.3079853 +2
hope you were also wearing a different one
the finnish baldcel Turku, Varsinais-Suomi No.3079854 +1
>>3079853I was wearing normal clothing.
After she stopped laughing she agreed to make the modifications I needed for
an exorbitant price.
the german bougie chad Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen No.3079857 +1
>>3079854I'd laugh too if some big dude wanted me to attach a rubber penis with textile sheath to a body suit that looks like an antropomorphic children's drawing of an anime animal.
the finnish janitor Turku, Varsinais-Suomi No.3079859 +5
>are you getting a suspiciously placed opening
>what does the suit look like
the finnish kid napper Hameenlinna, Kanta-Hame No.3079861
do you not have one of these?_?
the finnish meat toilet Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa No.3079862 +1
>>3079861Unfortunately, no.
the finnish mongol Hameenlinna, Kanta-Hame No.3079863
>>3079862and your excuse?
the finnish pizza boy Turku, Varsinais-Suomi No.3079864 +2
the finnish cal Hameenlinna, Kanta-Hame No.3079865
>>3079864fair enough
so what's the modification?
the finnish durstig junge Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa No.3079866 +1
>>3079865How the tail fits in.
Pika Girl in the Poké World Manchester, England No.3079881 +1
the american roy Princeton, New Jersey No.3079903
That tailor? Xtian
the finnish hetloser Hameenlinna, Kanta-Hame No.3079917 +2
>>3079881it's probably on a belt that you wear under the suit and the tail comes out of a hole
it's so you can wag it and it looks semi-realistic like it's an extension of the spine
Pika Girl in the Poké World Manchester, England No.3079918 +1
>>3079917that actually sounds really epic
secret council corners Hamburg, Hamburg No.3079919
plus you can wear a butt plug anyway for extra fun
cia cowboy!yHewato8KQ Eyemouth, Scotland No.3079922
>>3079919mhm mhm
Rolled d20-1. Result: 16.
the finnish burger flipper Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa No.3079923 +2
the american jaxon Peachtree City, Georgia No.3079937 +4
>>3079923Post fur suit for daddy