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United States the american white boy Versailles, Indiana  No.3079582 +4 

it's time

United Kingdom the british wizard London, England  No.3079585 +2 

le pizza oven has arrived

United States the american lund swede Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079587 +5 

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le grandma house has burned

United States the american gaymer Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079588 +7 

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it goes from raw to charcoal in like 20 seconds
but if i can get the whole crust to look like this section, i'll be good

United States the american horsecocker Gary, Indiana  No.3079589 +1 

how much did you pay for it?

thinking of getting one

United States the american lolicon Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079590 +1 

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United States the american bearmode Gary, Indiana  No.3079591 +1 

jeez, same price as a pretty nice grill

worth it?

United States the american northern brother Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079592 +1 

for someone who loves pizza as much as i do, yeah
i was getting pretty results in a home oven but there's only so much you can do with those low temperatures

United States the american kcbitchboi Gary, Indiana  No.3079593 +1 

ya I'm at that stage now

gonna have to read up on all the different options out there

only issue with an outdoor one is not being able to use in the winter near me

United States the american hideloc brit Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079594 +1 

this one should work fine in the winter
the max temp is like 950 degrees so even if it's a little cucked by the ambient temp it will still be plenty hot

Finland the finnish women's pussy Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3079596 +1 

that side of it does look legit

Albania the albanian nerd Tirana, Tirane  No.3079597 +1 

Solomon Carter, 54 y/o:
My favourite food is pizza

United States the american southern brother Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079598 +3 

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Hungary the hungarian piteå Budapest, Budapest  No.3079599 +1 


Albania the albanian pederast Tirana, Tirane  No.3079600 +2 

>be overweight
<hey guise time to eat some very fattening and unhealthy pizza haha t. roy

United States the american lund swede Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079601 +3 

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Germany the german masturbati Berlin, Berlin  No.3079614 +2 

puppy needs cheese

United States the american claire Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079628 +3 

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starting to figure it out

United States the american rick Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079629 +3 

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yeah this is really good

Germany the german mongol Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3079630 +1 

does it run with gas

United States the american moralfag Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079631 +1 

yeah propane
it also has a wood burning attachment but i'm not ready to fuck around with that yet

Germany the german kcirclejerker Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3079632 +1 

like on a smokergrill to give it flavour or to heat it up

United States the american idiot retard Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079633 +1 

just for heat
some autists say wood fire is better but i don't think the pizza is in there long enough for it to matter

Germany the german futacock Berlin, Berlin  No.3079637 +1 

it really tastes better though

t. wood oven pizza pro

Albania the albanian nerd Tirana, Tirane  No.3079642 +1 

Haha look guys I'm making pizza again give me attention t. roy

United States the american horsefucker Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079646 +4 

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United States the american kid rater Gary, Indiana  No.3079654 +1 

What kind of wood and do you just chop more yourself when u need it?

Germany the german roy Berlin, Berlin  No.3079660 +2 

I don't make pizza myself. A local shop has a big oven made of stone. The pizza is baked inside there directly next to the wood fire and it tastes really good.
I don't know exactly what wood they use but beech would be my best guess.
Also, you can't just spontaneously chop some wood when you want to burn it, it has to dry for weeks to burn really good.

Germany the german only 96 Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3079682 

btw have you tried putting some beef in there

United States the american genious Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079686 +1 

I don't think any meat dishes need to be cooked at 450C

Germany the german baldcel Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3079688 

i think u should give it a try

United States the american bigdickbitch Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079692 +1 

I won't

Germany the german spook Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3079693 

United States the american hetnigger Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079696 

i'm not

United States Monster Girl Redmond, Washington  No.3079697 

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He actually did it!

United States the american newfag Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079706 

did wat

United States Monster Girl Redmond, Washington  No.3079708 

backyard pizza oven

United States the american mammal Southaven, Mississippi  No.3079711 

Germany the german madarchod Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080025 


United States the american opfer Southaven, Mississippi  No.3080026 

haven't made any more pitsers
i'm making some dough tonight so i'll make more pitser this weekend

Germany the german niggersachsen Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080027 

United States the american magapede Southaven, Mississippi  No.3080299 

today's the day
i will perfect this pizza TODAY

Germany the german pissbottle drinker Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen  No.3080300 

keep em coming mate

Finland saunapekka Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3080301 +1 

I'm monitoring this thread

United States the american altshiter Colorado Springs, Colorado  No.3080310 

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let part of it get too charred again even tho I lowered the temp

but most of it looks good and the flavor is fucking great

this cheese isn't ideal tho

United States the american puppy Colorado Springs, Colorado  No.3080311 +1 

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crumb is disappointing
I think I overworked it a little bit when stretching it

United States the american pizza boy Colorado Springs, Colorado  No.3080312 +1 

File: 1596924232412.jpg (1.32 MB, 2560x1440, 20200808_170255.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

now we're cookin' with gas

literally and figuratively, lol!

United States the american pizza boy Colorado Springs, Colorado  No.3080313 +1 

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bad pic
fuck I need a better camera

Germany the german cartoon frog Frankfurt am Main, Hessen  No.3080329 +1 

tree topping or what are u a giraffe

Canada the canadian nerd Beauharnois, Quebec  No.3080335 +3 

United States the american pizza Colorado Springs, Colorado  No.3080347 

United States the american amber Gary, Indiana  No.3080357 

onions help a lot in the flavor department imo

all other toppings I don't even bother with

Finland the finnish anus Helsinki, Uusimaa  No.3080361 

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meanwhile in the land of frozen lidl pizza

United States the american idiot retard Southaven, Mississippi  No.3080362 

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