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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

Gibraltar Gibraltarian Gibraltar, Gibraltar  No.3078890 +1 

Just saying "Hi" to my Portubro from Gibraltar. This holiday place is fantastic, I wanna move to the sea someday. I love the Rock. :)

I am also curious if Bronnen supports rare flags. :V

United States the american cuckservative Columbia, Missouri  No.3078891 

go back to 4chan, 4chan has rare flags

Gibraltar Gibraltarian Gibraltar, Gibraltar  No.3078892 

I'm about 10% British/Irish genetically, I have a Celt side like Suave. I also scored 99% European, and I'm a meme war veteran, although I'm no longer that conservative.

It's nice that I don't have to upload a pic to make a new thread like on Hispachan. This place doesn't look that bad, I'm a bit tired of Hispachan being a bit obsessed with politics lately, so I left months ago.

What was this place even about though? The last place I lurked it was like one year ago.

I'm at a pub at the moment, of course this is not my computer. They have billiard and darts, and decent metal music. This local is so cool, man. The lockdown sucked for everyone, but I'm enjoying my holidays.

I salute you, fellow Kekistani. It was a true honour to fight for the Armies of Kek years ago, I still have my MAGA hat at home. Shadilay to you. :)

Russian Federation the russian bhenchod Dolgoprudnyy, Moskovskaya oblast'  No.3078894 +3 

File: 1594486498257.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, snap.png) ImgOps Google

Germany the german never haver Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen  No.3078895 +1 

File: 1594492304466.jpg (33.87 KB, 762x428, 1570429676263.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Germany Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein  No.3078897 +1 

File: 1594495002100.png (619.47 KB, 480x719, play-me.png) ImgOps Google

United Kingdom cia cowboy!yHewato8KQ Manchester, England  No.3078898 

the rock is in the building
Dice rollRolled d20-1. Result: 3.

Russian Federation the russian claire Saint Petersburg, Sankt-Peterburg  No.3078900 


Spain Gibraltarian Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de  No.3079110 

Is that you?

I'm doing shroom microdosing, back in my apartment. Sealess Madrid depresses me. :(

Spain Gibraltarian Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de  No.3079111 

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