the russian samir34 Saint Petersburg, Sankt-Peterburg No.3078770
>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means
I actually have no idea. I came from kc.
Could someone explain?
pomfritteren Lynge, Hovedstaden No.3078771 +1
the answer is right here buddy
the finnish steve rambo Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa No.3078772
Arnolt Bronnen (19 August 1895 – 12 October 1959) was an Austrian playwright and director.
Bronnen was born in Vienna, Austria. The son of the Austrian-Jewish writer Ferdinand Bronner and his Christian wife Martha Bronner. Bronnen's most famous play is the Expressionist drama Parricide (Vatermord, 1922); its première production is notable, among other things, for being that from which Bronnen's friend, the young Bertolt Brecht in an early stage of his directing career, withdrew, after being taken to hospital with malnutrition and the actors of the cast, led by Heinrich George, walked out on him. According to The Cambridge Guide to Theatre, the "erotic, anti-bourgeois, black expressionism" of the play "caused a sensation" when it was eventually performed.
Bronnen also wrote Birth of Youth (Geburt der Jugend, 1922) and Die Excesse (1923). After having collaborated on film treatments and various theatrical projects together, in 1923 Bronnen and Brecht co-directed a condensed version of Pastor Ephraim Magnus (a nihilistic, Expressionist play, according to The Cambridge Guide, "stuffed with perversities and sado-masochistic motifs") by Hans Henny Jahnn. Later in his life he wrote reportage plays.
Bronnen signed the Gelöbnis treuester Gefolgschaft, a "vow of most faithful allegiance" to Adolf Hitler in 1933.
After the Second World War he became a communist.
Bronnen died of heart failure in East Berlin and is buried in the Dorotheenstadt cemetery.
the russian roy orbison Saint Petersburg, Sankt-Peterburg No.3078773
Are you trollening me :<
the finnish kekistani Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa No.3078774
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it's quite easy once you realize it
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>he doesn't know what bronnen means
the russian bluepilled cuck Irkutsk, Irkutskaya oblast' No.3078781 +4
>he really doesn't know
Joonas San Jose, California No.3078795
>he doesn't know what bronnen means
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Rolled d20-1. Result: 8.
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I know I've seen it explained before but it simply failed to leave an impression on me.
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a man by the name of Täby misspelled the german word "brennen"
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>>3078857brennen bronnen bronnte
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