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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

File: 1592214248930.jpg (7.83 MB, 5152x2896, IMG_20200615_114251.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Germany the german madarchod Berlin, Berlin  No.3078105 +6 

me soydough bread lmaoing @ u

Sweden the swedish telejerker Malmoe, Skane lan  No.3078114 +1 

good pic

United States the american reptillian Gary, Indiana  No.3078185 

what method did you use?

I want to bake my own soon

United Kingdom the british chadcel London, England  No.3078188 +3 

you win the internets for the day sir

Germany the german milcel Berlin, Berlin  No.3078190 

overnight country blonde from the book `flour water salt yeast`

Though i shortened the proofing times and tried 2 reduce the room temp.

and it still over-fermented as fuark

United States the american mammal Gary, Indiana  No.3078864 +1 

baked my first loaf last week

got no spring but otherwise good

Finland the finnish idiot retard Lahti, Etela-Pohjanmaa  No.3078867 

File: 1594406047684.png (1.58 MB, 1439x1371, furry_political_compass.png) ImgOps Google

good thread

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