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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

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Brazil D !oXNe7dlWpc Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo  No.3078002 

Someone told me to lurkmoar today. That really rustled my jimmies. Why is the world so cruel? Especially to Phoneposters??

Brazil D !oXNe7dlWpc Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo  No.3078003 

Nice dubs in time.

United States the american christcuck Southaven, Mississippi  No.3078004 +4 

someone told you to go back to krautchan today
that person was me

Brazil D !oXNe7dlWpc Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo  No.3078005 

Why would I go to a place filled with fail? I don't get you bitchasses replies, you guys live in America or something? Not everything is hurr Krautchan or Bronnen. I'm tired of this bullshit. I don't care if you think it's funny, it's like beating a dead horse. Say something original. I'm Brazilian, not some grass eating herd in the middle of Europe, the most correct jokeresponse would be "go back to 55". Fucking salemite.

Brazil D !oXNe7dlWpc Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo  No.3078006 

And even that would be stupid, since if I wanted to browse 55 I would be there instead of posting here and reading stuff here. The bully posters here are worse than elsewhere, since elsewhere I expect them to be cunts and here I expect to be treated nicely instead of being shooed to a place I don't come from and don't belong. Also, the way I write is because I post from a phone and don't like writing like commoners on their social media. It's as if only women posted these replies to me. If Dogola was still in the clearnet then I would rather browse there than anywhere else, despite the dangers it had back in the time.

United States the american white boy Southaven, Mississippi  No.3078007 +3 

shut the fuck up at any time, my dude

Brazil D !oXNe7dlWpc Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo  No.3078008 

You're a n-word anyway. Fuck this place. I'm done, ban me, mods, if you want, since I can't fucking enjoy talking with someone without having to forcibly ignore people like this cunt here everytime as if he was a special snowflake. I already ignore posters elsewhere and I don't want to do that here, if I can't do that then I will force this until I'm respected as a member or banned for saying some strings of letters. Once again, kill yourself, worthless n-word mcn-word faggot.

Brazil D !oXNe7dlWpc Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo  No.3078009 +1 

Also niggеr lives don't matter.

United States the american janitor Southaven, Mississippi  No.3078010 +9 

Germany the german cuckservative Leipzig, Sachsen  No.3078017 +1 

I also demand to be respected and treated fairly by the bronnen community!

Germany the german cuckservative Leipzig, Sachsen  No.3078118 +1 

Also stop ignoring me!

Germany the german mongol Berlin, Berlin  No.3086087 

Canada furmod Calgary, Alberta  No.3086088 +2 

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the bronnen community is 6 people making about a dozen posts a week

Germany the german idris elba Berlin, Berlin  No.3086090 

Come to mintboard

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