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/int/ - International ( readers)

>he doesn't know what "Bronnen" means

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

Germany the german rex Berlin, Berlin  No.3077054 +5 

ok mr. trump where's your wall I want it now.

United Kingdom Warrington, England  No.3080558 

File: 1597616969970.png (20.77 KB, 261x200, 1597616642131.png) ImgOps Google

Colombia the colombian avian Pereira, Risaralda  No.3081195 

He created a wall in his mind, that's the realest wall migamen will get

Finland the finnish hetloser Espoo, Uusimaa  No.3081196 

File: 1598257558476.png (33.29 KB, 151x135, 1587547968044.png) ImgOps Google

Turns out Mexico didn't have enough money

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