Does effective altruism work? the swedish normalfag (massive cuckold spotted) No.499 +1
Irena Sendler saved 2,500 Jewish children from the Holocaust by providing them with false identity documents and smuggling them out of the Warsaw ghetto. Norman Borlaug’s research into disease-resistant wheat precipitated the ‘Green Revolution’; he has been credited with saving hundreds of millions of lives. Stanislav Petrov prevented all-out nuclear war simply by staying calm under pressure and being willing to disobey orders.
It's basically saving lives in a more calculated way.
the swedish bigdickbitch No.500 +1
How to be an effective altruist?
Use your skills. Build an AI, build an app, startup a company which reduces poverty or disease, work for a effective altruism oriented company, it can be the most simplest solution. Even mitigating climate change is effective altruism.
Mit einem Startup die Welt verbessern: Hier ist Charity wichtiger als Profit | Galileo | ProSieben the swedish tom preston No.505 +1
⠀ No.531 +1