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/biz/ - Business & Tech ( readers)

A place for aspiring Bronncoin Billionaires.

Bronnen will be shutting down!

The board has been dead for years.

Please try the successor boards - Mintboard and Staffas.

In a few months, Bronnen will automatically redirect to mintboard.org.

United States ⵙᗩⵙ✻ⵙІⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᙏⵙᗱᗴⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᙏⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⚪ⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙ⚪ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙᙏⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᗱᗴⵙᙏⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙІⵙ✻ⵙᗩⵙ Los Angeles, California  No.1011 

United States ⵙИNⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙᑐᑕⵙИNⵙᑎⵙꗳⵙ◯ⵙⓄⵙ옷ⵙᴥⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⚪ⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙ⚪ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙᴥⵙ옷ⵙⓄⵙ◯ⵙꗳⵙᑎⵙИNⵙᑐᑕⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙИNⵙ Los Angeles, California  No.1012 

File: 1688943428755.webm (13.47 MB, 5120x2880, MBƎW.ⵙИNⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙᑐᑕⵙИNⵙᑎⵙꗳⵙ….WEBM) ImgOps Google

Belarus ⚪ᗱᗴ⚪ᙁ⚪⚭⚪ᗩ⚪✤⚪◯⚪ИN⚪Ⓞ⚪ꖴ⚪✤⚪ᑐᑕ⚪ИN⚪ᑎ⚪ꗳ⚪◯⚪ᔓᔕ⚪ᑎ⚪ꖴ⚪⚭⚪ᗩ⚪ꗳ⚪◌⚪◌⚪ꗳ⚪ᗩ⚪⚭⚪ꖴ⚪ᑎ⚪ᔓᔕ⚪◯⚪ꗳ⚪ᑎ⚪ИN⚪ᑐᑕ⚪✤⚪ꖴ⚪Ⓞ⚪ИN⚪◯⚪✤⚪ᗩ⚪⚭⚪ᙁ⚪ᗱᗴ⚪ Minsk, Minskaya voblasts'  No.1020 

File: 1695490324247-0.zip (1.65 MB, PIZ.QAPZ.BИ.⚪⠿⚪ⵈ⚪ⵘ⚪ⵘ⚪⠿⚪⊚⚪ᗱ….ZIP)

File: 1695490324247-1.txt (8.92 MB, TXT..BИ.⚪⠿⚪ⵈ⚪ⵘ⚪ⵘ⚪⠿⚪⊚⚪ᗱᗴ⚪ᙁ⚪….TXT)

File: 1695490324247-2.zip (3.67 MB, PIZ.QAPZ.BИ.⚪⠿⚪ⵈ⚪ⵘ⚪ⵘ⚪⠿⚪⊚⚪⠿….ZIP)

File: 1695490324247-3.txt (17.49 MB, TXT..BИ.⚪⠿⚪ⵈ⚪ⵘ⚪ⵘ⚪⠿⚪⊚⚪⠿⚪ⵘ⚪꞉….TXT)

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