I Wish I Was In Dixie Asheboro, North Carolina No.794 [Reply]
women are so fucking dumb and annoying
I Wish I Was In Dixie Asheboro, North Carolina No.795
>going into aldi
>woman pushing her cart in, i have a quarter in my hand
>say "excuse me" to get her attention
>she slightly tilts her head like she wanted to look back but doesn't
>walk up next to her and offer her the quarter for the cart
>she acts like a retard and takes it like this isn't something people do all the time
i think women unironically enjoy doing things less efficiently
I Wish I Was In Dixie Asheboro, North Carolina No.796
and if she thought i looked creepy or something good fuck women regardless
random finnish poster Salo, Southwest Finland No.803
good thread
t. thread rater
random swedish poster Enkoping, Uppsala No.804
let's raid the /int/ggers bros