the brazilian tree hugger Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo No.284 [Reply]
Your thoughts on railblocks? 1 post omitted. Click reply to view.
the norwegian lumpenprole Bergen, Hordaland No.287
it's promising, if it fulfills what the devs say it can do (extremely swift payments without transaction fees) it may be a game changer.
Mind you most if not all small coins have fast transactions, and get slower as the amount of transactions per second grows. Even BTC which is slow as heck now, used to be fast.
It all comes down to whether they manage to scale the coin or not, and at the moment it's not fully tested. In the next couple of weeks that will execute multi-node demonstrations, which will gives us some more answers.
the american edgemaster Mount Laurel, New Jersey No.292
tried buying at 5 dollars but couldnt due to bank shit
the brazilian stablemaster Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo No.293
>>287theyre saying each account has its own blockchain, i dont know if in practical terms it means any shit, but theyre saying because of that the transactions are instantly
they are also going to release phone apps for transactions
the american cuckservative Boston, Massachusetts No.627
>>293It's a block lattice. And they released the phone apps and theres another open source one as well
the dutch numale No.628